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Updated: August 13, 2024

'To'od 'a' cost more butter to cook him 'n' he's worth, says the fellah. Takes a whole piece o' goods to cover a girl up now-a-days. I'd as lief undertake to keep a span of elephants, and take an ostrich to board, too, as to marry one of 'em. What's the use? Clerks and counter-jumpers ain't anything. Sparragrass and green peas a'n't for them, not while they're young and tender.

"And by the same token he also has the key of the main cabin and of Misther Marshall's stateroom, your honour's honour," he added. "Which of those two men is Jack Hampton?" demanded Leslie. "It's the fellah that's triced up so nately to the port rail, sor," answered Dolan. "Then go you and take the keys out of his pocket," commanded Dick. "I have no doubt you know which they are."

It was like the patient fellah, when the Arabs, in pursuit of Wyndham and his Gippies, suddenly cut in between him and the house, to deliver himself over to the conqueror, with his hand upon his head in sign of obedience.

There was a moment's struggle, then, as the wheel went slower and slower, and the patient buffalo stopped, Wyndham dropped the gagged, but living, fellah into a trench by the sakkia and, calling to the buffalo, slid over swiftly, opened the sluice-gate of the channel which fed the house, and closed that leading to the Arab encampment.

Ismaeen sat before me, answering the various questions which the scene suggested. He was a fine open-faced young man, without any of the clownishness of the fellah, and spoke in a free and easy but gentle manner.

Now, it was a peculiar thing that Ibrahim's pronunciation grew worse every time; which goes to show that a combination of Soudanese and fellah doesn't make a really clever villain. Twice, three times, Dicky gave him other words and phrases to say, and practice made Ibrahim more perfect in error.

"Shay, Nell, I allus trea's yehs shquare, didn' I? I allus been goo' f'ler wi' yehs, ain't I, Nell?" "Sure you have, Pete," assented the woman. She delivered an oration to her companions. "Yessir, that's a fact. Pete's a square fellah, he is. He never goes back on a friend. He's the right kind an' we stay by him, don't we, girls?" "Sure!" they exclaimed.

Wassef laughed, and turned on his heel; and went out: for what should he know of the look in a woman's face he to whom most women were alike, he who had taken dancing-girls with his camels into the desert many a time? What should he know of that love which springs once in every woman's heart, be she fellah or Pharaoh's daughter?

Much of the religion of the fellah consists in prostrations, and his spontaneous prayers are usually invocations to dead men, as we see with Nile boatmen and other labourers; when in a fatiguing work, they call on the 'Lord Hosseen or Zeid, &c. to 'stretch out a hand and help. Buffaloes and sheep are frequently sacrified at the shrines of sheiks of reputed sanctity, or at the mosque dedicated to Lady Zeynab.

Either they don't farm well enough, or they take to hashish, or go crazy about a girl and borrow money for her, or er something of that kind, and they are sold up. You may have noticed that. 'I have. And meantime, what is the fellah doing? 'Meantime, the fellah has misread the Act as usual. He thinks it's retrospective, and that he needn't pay past debts.

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