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With these Dicky set forth for El Medineh in the Fayoum, where his important business lay. As he cantered away from El Wasta, out through the green valley and on into the desert where stands the Pyramid of Maydoum, he turned his business over and over in his mind, that he might study it from a hundred sides.

Bonaparte had hardly set foot in Cairo when he was, informed that the brave and indefatigable Mourad Bey was descending by the Fayoum, in order to form a junction with reinforcements which had been for some time past collected in the Bohahire'h.

Dicky scarcely heard what the Arab said, for the quick conviction he had had that Sowerby was alive was based on the fact, suddenly remembered, that Selamlik Pasha had only returned from the Fayoum this very morning, and that therefore he could not as yet have had any share in the fate of Sowerby, but had probably been sent for by the Chief Eunuch.

These bees of to-day worked to destroy, not to recreate, for the crumbling brick is the best of fertilizers and fertilizing their land is the one great interest in life for the Fellaheen of the Fayoum. Furiously they tore at the remaining walls; furiously they packed away their treasure of dried mud in sacks; furiously they piled it on backs of donkeys and rushed away to make room for others.

As he turned his course to the Nile, and crossed over the great bridge, there went clanking by in chains a hundred conscripts, torn from their homes in the Fayoum, bidding farewell for ever to their friends, receiving their last offerings, for they had no hope of return. He looked at their haggard and dusty faces, at their excoriated ankles, and his eyes closed in pain. All they felt he felt.

"In the name of our master the Khedive!" he cried. Above the spot where the two had sunk floated the red tarboosh of the Mudir of the Fayoum. Mr. William Sowerby, lieutenant in the Mounted Infantry, was in a difficult situation, out of which he was little likely to come with credit or his life.

Because he was a stranger and an infidel, so has he been told of dark things done to those who desecrate our faith." "Had he been an Egyptian or a Turk " "I should slay him, were he Ismail himself. Mine own is mine own, as Mahomet hath said. The man shall die and who shall save him? Not even the Sultan himself." "There are concessions in the Fayoum you have sought them long." "Bah!"

And you shall say 'Go there, and they shall go, and 'Come here, and they shall come. For my soul is with you for Egypt, O friend of the fellah and saviour of the land. Have I not heard of the great reservoirs you would make in the Fayoum, of the great dam at Assouan? Have I not heard, and waited, and watched? and now..." He paused and touched his breast and his forehead in respect.

They were native feluccas, garnered from every canal and waterway in Egypt. They brought grain and fodder for the horses, rations for the men, vegetables of all kinds from the fertile province of Fayoum, stores for the roads; and at Port Said and Suez material from the outside world was trans-shipped on to them for conveyance to Kantara.

Because he was a stranger and an infidel, so has he been told of dark things done to those who desecrate our faith." "Had he been an Egyptian or a Turk " "I should slay him, were he Ismail himself. Mine own is mine own, as Mahomet hath said. The man shall die and who shall save him? Not even the Sultan himself." "There are concessions in the Fayoum you have sought them long." "Bah!"