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Sponge did the same; and the grass-siding of Orlantire Parkwall favouring their design, they increased the trot to a canter. They soon passed the park's bounds, and entering upon one of those rarities an unenclosed common, angled its limits so as to escape the side-bar, and turning up Farningham Green lane, came out upon the Kingsworth and Swillingford turnpike within sight of Hanby House.

"We'll devote ourselves to looking 'em up one o' these days!" said Anthony. "Meantime I'm devilish hungry and I always dine at 'The Bull' at Wrotham, so if you're quite ready, let's push on. By the way," he continued, as I followed him into the yard, "did you notice that chaise we passed just beyond Farningham a black-bodied chaise, picked out in yellow, with red wheels?" "I did, Anthony why?"

'As I advised you in my last, we were on our way to Farningham, when something went wrong with the engine, and we had to stop here for repairs, and mamma was so charmed with this little village that she decided to stay awhile; she says it seems to suit her better than any place she has seen; poor mamma, I wish I could find some place where she would be satisfied.

In half a dozen places it cut across lanes, and once across the great high road from Farningham to Wrotham. As they drew near this, Mr. Kirke, who was riding in front, checked them. "I will go first," he said, "and see if there is danger." In a minute he returned. "There is a man about a hundred yards up the road asleep on a bank; and there is a cart coming up from Wrotham: that is all I can see.

You will need all your faith and prayer now, and so will the others. Good-night. She turned her face away, and with a kiss and an unspoken prayer, Agatha left her. Elfie's Choice 'Go, whate'er the lot may be That my Father sends to me, Never am I comfortless With His Word to aid and bless; And while He His help is bringing, I will cheer the way with singing. Farningham.

There is nothing so sad as this "murder of the innocents" that is going on in all our great cities. Marianne Farningham sings their dirge: "Such sights there are in the great sin-soiled city, As might compel an angel into pity; But none more sad in all the world of care, Than a young child driven to black despair!"