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Macrobius, in his Saturnalia, undertakes to prove that all the gods of Paganism may be reduced to the sun. "Varro de religionibus loquens, evidenter dicit, multa esse vera, quae vulgo scire non sit utile; multaque, quae tametsi falsa sint, aliter existimare populum expediat." St. AUGUSTINE, De Civil. Dei.

De la proposicion digo que es falsa,... Pero no hay cosa en todo ello para retratar. This calificacion appears to be in the handwriting of Fray Hernando de Castillo, who signed it. It is also signed by the Dominican Antonio de Arce and by Dr. Cáncer. Cáncer appears to have been ready to put his name to anything.

In this way, we know the foundations and means of things that never were; and the world scuffles about a thousand questions, of which both the Pro and the Con are false. "Ita finitima sunt falsa veris, ut in praecipitem locum non debeat se sapiens committere." Truth and lies are faced alike; their port, taste, and proceedings are the same, and we look upon them with the same eye.

Zech. x. 2; xiii. 2-4. "Sicut autem cuius pulchrum corpus et deformis est animus, magis dolendus est, quam si deforme haberet et corpus, ita qui eloquenter ea quæ falsa sunt dicunt, magis miserandi sunt, quam si talia deformiter dicerent." Even popularity honestly won may be a great snare.

from the dreams of simple Nature, to the dreams, alas! of Egyptian theology, and the philosophy of the Greeks. But the final dismission of the hero through the ivory gate, whence Falsa ad coelum mittunt insomnia manes, seems to dissolve the whole enchantment, and leaves the reader in a state of cold and anxious scepticism.

Cf. especially Fin. 2, 61 P. Decius cum se devoverat et equo admisso in mediam aciem Latinorum irruebat, aliquid de voluptatibus suis cogitabat? Cf. also below, 75. With regard to natura see n. on 5. SUA SPONTE: 'for its own sake'; 'on its own account'. Cf. Leg. 1, 45 vera et falsa sua sponte non aliena iudicantur, where a few lines later sua natura occurs as equivalent to sua sponte.

In the case of despotism, there is the fœdum crimen servitutis: in the last, the falsa SPECIES libertatis; and accordingly, as the historian says, pronis auribus accipitur. In the last age we were in danger of being entangled by the example of France in the net of a relentless despotism. It is not necessary to say anything upon that example. It exists no longer.