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Updated: August 9, 2024

He's richt sensible an' eident whiles; but when the fey blude gets intil his heid, an' he gets into the middle o' ony rig, he's juist as daft as the rochest haflin that ever fee'd.

The tone was, although wild, not inharmonious, and the words rather euphonious. As near as our alphabet can convey them, they ran thus: "Dangkarree Au fey, Oluu werrei, Au lay," which may be rendered almost literally by the following couplet: Air by the chief: "Come to plunder, come to slay;" Chorus of followers: "We are ready to obey."

It was left to Hozier to solve a problem that threatened to develop into a disastrous brawl. Danger sharpens a brave man's wits, but love makes him fey. To succor Iris was now his sole concern. He swung a couple of the excited sailors out of his way and managed to stem the torrent of Coke's futile curses. "Give in to them!" he cried eagerly. "Tell them they are going ashore in the creek.

Hob marching with Clem and Dand. "You're shürely fey, lass!" quoth Dandie. "Think shame to yersel', miss!" said the strident Mrs. Hob. "Is this the gait to guide yersel' on the way hame frae kirk? You're shürely no sponsible the day! And anyway I would mind my guid claes." "Hoot!" said Christina, and went on before them, head in air, treading the rough track with the tread of a wild doe.

"Ban," she cried with exasperation and appeal enchantingly mingled, "aren't you going to miss me at all when I go?" "I've been trying not to think of that," he said slowly. "Well, think of it," she breathed. "No!" she contradicted herself passionately. "Don't think of it. I shouldn't have said that.... I don't know what is the matter with me to-day, Ban. Perhaps I am fey."

I was only a baby when I was carried away from the islands of mist and rain but I was 'fey' from my birth " "What is fey?" interrupted Miss Herbert.

'Ha! exclaimed the King, 'by my fey, 'tis Elephant and Castle, pursuivant of my brother of Paflagonia; and the Knight, an' my memory serves me, is the gallant Captain Hedzoff! What news from Paflagonia, gallant Hedzoff? Elephant and Castle, beshrew me, thy trumpeting must have made thee thirsty. What will my trusty herald like to drink?

She watched it slowly walking about, dragging faggots of gorse fastened together by the swag-straps which she loosened as she cast the branches cracking and creaking into the flames. Her mind was restless, a little fey. Louis, seeing something of her uncertainty, stopped work early, and they walked home slowly over the cleared land that was now being ploughed.

Among these greedy and treacherous profligates there would, had he survived, have been no place for Montrose. In defiance of warnings from omens, second-sighted men, and sensible men, Argyll left the safe sanctuary of his mountains and sea-straits, and betook himself to London, "a fey man." Most of his past was covered by an Act of Indemnity, but not his doings in 1653.

Erica's spirits rose to their very highest pitch and, as they went back together to their hotel, she kept both Raeburn and Donovan in fits of laughter. It was long months since her father had seen her so brilliant and witty. "You are 'fey, little one," he said. "I prophesy a headache for you tomorrow."

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