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The impossibility of constructing extension out of our sensations is the experimentum crucis upon which Reid was ready to stake his case. If the attempt at such a construction could succeed, he would 'lay his hand upon his mouth' and give up the argument. Brown takes up the challenge thus thrown out. He holds that our knowledge of an external world is derived from a source which Reid overlooked.

'Fiat experimentum in corpore vili. Follow me, sir; and as we go pray cast your eyes over the prison rules, and see whether you can find 'a punishment-jacket. No, sir, you will not find even a Spanish collar, or a pillory, or a cross, far less a punishment-jacket which combines those several horrors." Mr. Hawes hung back and begged a word with the justices.

If I had been blest with a son but that is neither here nor there it was my intention to have educated him almost entirely as a naturalist. I think I should like to try the experiment on a young man like yourself." Sandy Mackaye's definition of legislation for the masses, "Fiat experimentum in corpore vili," rose up in my thoughts, and, half unconsciously, passed my lips.

They are supported by popular reasons and specious arguments, yet there is one test of the true character of such laws, an experimentum crucis, of which, in general, they cannot bear the application. Legislation, which requires or which will pay to be bored or bought, is unequal legislation; and therefore unwise and unjust.

It has been made a question, whether the artist, or the mere man of taste and natural sensibility, receives most pleasure from the contemplation of works of art; and I think this question might be answered by another as a sort of experimentum crucis, namely, whether any one out of that 'number numberless' of mere gentlemen and amateurs, who visited Paris at the period here spoken of, felt as much interest, as much pride or pleasure in this display of the most striking monuments of art as the humblest student would?

They are tough, the germs of these little bodies, said the Master. Three hours' boiling has n't killed 'em. Now, then, let us see what has been the effect of six hours' boiling. He took up another flask just like the first, containing fluid and hermetically sealed in the same way. Boiled just three hours longer than the other, he said, six hours in all. This is the experimentum crucis.

He has fallen down and worshipped that miserable 'Ich' of his, and made that, and not God's will, the centre and root of his philosophy, his poetry, and his self-idolizing aesthetics; and when it fails him, then for prussic acid, and nonentity. Those old Romans, too why, they are the very experimentum crucis of suicide!

Now we have here an opportunity of testing this theory by experience; we have even what Bacon terms an experimentum crucis. This new judicial system is an artificial creation constructed in accordance with principles laid down by foreign jurists. All that the elaborators of the project said about developing old institutions was mere talk.

Any other mode of getting at any knowledge of the real significance of the science of this time is mere pretence. These constitute the documents behind any scientific history of the development of science at this time. It is extremely interesting to see the attitude of these men with regard to authority. In his impressive Latin phrase "experimentum solum certificat in talibus."

Fiat experimentum in corpore vili is a just rule where there is any reasonable presumption of benefit to arise on a large scale. What the benefit may be will admit of a doubt, but there can be none as to the value of the body; for a more worthless body than his own the author is free to confess cannot be.