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"And the third door," droned on the rhythmic voice, "into an open hall, hung with cages of sandal-wood and eagle-wood; full of birds which made sweet music, such as the mocking bird, and the cusha, the merle, the turtle dove and the Nubian ring-dove." A trifle restively Ryder stirred. He liked birds but he wanted to be getting on to that fortieth door and this was slow progress.

"I cannot tell you that," the Dervish droned. "You will have to go out into the world and find him for yourselves." So the three brothers returned to the Sultan and told him what the Dervish had said. "All your third mosque lacks to be the most beautiful mosque in the world," they told him, "is the Nightingale Gisar singing beside the fountain. So grieve no more, father.

The sloth they put on with the cast-off clothes of the white invader fell away from their natures as the voice of the old man droned in their ears.

Baumberger droned on, mostly relating the details of cases he had won against long odds cases for the most part similar to this claim-jumping business. Nothing had been done that day, Grant gathered, beyond giving the eight claimants due notice to leave. The boys were evidently dissatisfied about something, though they said nothing.

He could string out tales of the Long Trail: Abilene, Wichita, Ellsworth, Great Bend, Newton, where eleven men were murdered in one night; he knew the vigilante days in San Francisco, and early times in Alder Gulch. "Nobody would of thought Plummer was yaller, but he turned out that way," droned on the narrator. "Grit? He had enough to fit out twenty men.

Barton," droned little Eve Edgarton. Abruptly Barton reached out and tilted her chin up whitely toward him. "In this light," he whispered, "with your hat pushed back like that! and your hair fluffed up like that! and the little laugh in your eyes! and the flush! and the quiver! you look like an elf! A bronze and gold elf! You're wonderful! You're magical! You ought always to dress like that!

Slow clouds of dust passed along the road near by, and the glare of the sun grew warm; but no motion came to either team or driver, undisturbed by any care and bound by no inconvenient schedule. From the big oaks came now and then the jangle of a jay, or there might be seen flitting the scarlet flame of the cardinal. These things were unnoted, and the hour droned on.

"I don't think he wants to go," retorted Kesiah rather snappily, and opening the book again she began to read. For an hour her voice droned steadily in the firelight, while Molly, with her head against Mrs. Gay's knee, looked through the casement window to where the October roses bloomed and dropped in the squares of the Italian garden.

Light fleeces of cloud drifted in the azure sky, but to the west heavy cloud banks threatened with rain. A bee droned lazily by. From farther thickets came the calls of quail, and from the fields the songs of meadow larks.

No rat, nor fish, nor butterfly did the things expected of them; they were on the children's side. Maria sat blocked and motionless against the landscape; and the round world dozed. Yes but the music of the world was humming. The bees droned by, there was a whisper among the unruffled leaves. Tim tapped him sharply on the knee.