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This opinion was instantly conveyed to Grim by one of his cronies, and made that young gentleman think himself no end of a sly dog. Punctually to the minute Grim rang his bell, and, darting into the dressing-room, said, "Now, Cherry, come along with your epilogue, They're all waiting. Where is that ass?" "Cherry has not turned up yet, Grim." "What?" he said in horror. "Not turned up yet!"

She accompanied the girl upstairs, her arm about her waist, and left her at the door of her dressing-room. She opened the door of her bedroom, her hand was on a switch, when she was conscious of a faint and not unpleasant odour. It was a clean, pungent smell. "Disinfectant," said her brain mechanically. She turned on the light, wondering where it came from.

Lawrence followed him; when he had gone a few steps down the passage he heard suddenly a sharp, muffled report. "What's that?" Andre came close to him, his old, seamed face white like plaster. "He has a rifle in there..." he said. "He's shooting at them!" Then as Lawrence stepped up to the door of the little room that was Wilderling's dressing-room, Andre caught his arm .

"Now at Madame's house " "Yvonne!" came from the dressing-room. "Pardon, monsieur." Yvonne disappeared. Five minutes later a telephone bell rang. Then the dressing-room door opened, and Madame came forth robed, and the girl with her, looking as right as rain. "That was my call," said our hostess. "I go to sing now.

But today, as she entered her dressing-room, the eyes of the empress beamed with pleasure, and her mouth was wreathed with sunny smiles. The little hair-dresser was delighted, and with a responsive smile took her place, and prepared for her important duties. Maria Theresa glided into the chair, and with her own hands began to unfasten the golden net that confined her hair.

"Take the bag to a dressing-room, if you please;" and, passing by the porter, he walked straight towards that apartment, from which, as the door opened, a warble of melodious notes issued. Our little Siren was at her piano singing with all her might and fascinations.

And in Lady Bargrave's dressing-room that night Gertrude was confiding in Lady Bargrave. "Yes," she said, "Cloud must have come in within five minutes of my leaving two hours earlier than he was expected. Fortunately he went straight to his dressing-room. Or was it unfortunately? I was half-way to the station when it occurred to me that I hadn't fastened the envelope!

Dashwood was alarmed beyond measure; but the lady did not long continue in this frame of mind, for, upon going into her dressing-room to rest herself, she found her governess at the glass.

's dressing-room, which adjoins my bed-room, and the noise increasing until there was an absolute cry of despair uttered by some man.

And then he would earn thirty thousand francs and buy two more acres of land, which he would turn into an orchard and kitchen-garden. The house which was the object of so many witticisms was a small three-storied structure, containing on the ground floor a dining-room and parlour, on the next a bed-chamber and dressing-room, and on the upper floor Balzac's working room.