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Updated: August 19, 2024

"H'yar comes the fust dog sled in from the No'th," he cried. "That's the sour doughs for yuh! He's comin' right!" They could hear the faint snarls and barks of dogs yelping far down the cañon. Then the noise swelled up again and drowned the alien sounds.

Yet, somehow or other, they felt to-day that moor and meadow were sacred that their feet trod paths as holy as the worn stone aisle of the conventicle below. The airs of spring swept round them, carrying notes from near and far whisperings from the foliage of trees, and cadences from moors through whose herbage the wind lisped, and from doughs down which it moaned.

In expanding, the gas pushes up the batters or doughs, and these, when baked, set, or harden, into porous shapes. In addition to forming the gas, the acid and the alkali produce a salt that remains in the bread, and it is this salt that is responsible for the harmful effect usually attributed to chemical leavening agents. The first chemical leavening agents were devised by housewives themselves.

We were full fledged Sour Doughs. We were citizens and Claim holders. I should also mention that I have but briefly outlined our travel, we had traveled much more than one would naturly suppose from reading these few pages, I ought to say too that We had become expert Dog-teamsters. And I need not say that not a man in Alaska nor an Indian could beat us on snow shoes.

A good rule to follow in this particular, and one that has few exceptions, is to handle and stir the ingredients only enough to blend them properly. In addition to the matters just mentioned, the utensils in which to combine the hot-bread materials and bake the batters or doughs are of importance. While none of these is complicated, each must be of the right kind if the best results are expected.

Carmack inquired when they strolled back into camp. "To hell with pups!" was Hootchinoo Bill's reply. "Me and Kink's goin' a-lookin' for Too Much Gold when we get rested up." Too Much Gold was the fabled creek of which all sour doughs dreamed, whereof it was said the gold was so thick that, in order to wash it, gravel must first be shovelled into the sluice-boxes.

Even if our boat could have held all our freight, which weighed perhaps a ton, it was not wise to carry it, on account of the extreme shallowness of the stream, it being then, according to the "sour doughs," unprecedentedly low, due to the unusual lack of rain.

It must have been the pork, doughs, and excellent fresh meat of the seal. We had boiled or fried seal quite often with onions, and I must say that it was excellent eating far more palatable than the dried codfish, which, when one has any ice work, creates an intolerable thirst.

Grizzled old- timers of Forty Mile and Circle City, sour doughs with leathern jaws and bean-calloused stomachs, called up dream memories of chickens and green things at mention of his name.

Meyerburg, I can tell you the day what you visit on me down there I am a proud woman. How little we got to offer you know, but if I could fix for you Kaffeeklatsch some day and Kuchen and " "In the kitchen you still got the noodle-board yet, Mrs. Fischlowitz, where you can mix Kuchen too?" "I should say so. Always on it I mix my doughs." "He built it in for me himself, Mrs. Fischlowitz.

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