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The tube reached brennschluss and Rip called orders. "Same process. Get ready to repeat. Dominico, bring one of your tubes." While Koa was connecting another exploder to the wire, Rip took a tube from Dominico. "Take your space knife and saw through the tube you have left. We’ll need about three-fifths of it. Keep both pieces."

The villain who bought your cargo is from the town of Principe, his name is Dominico, as to that it is all that I can learn; they have taken your charts aboard the schooner Mexican, and I suppose mean to keep them, as the other captain has agreed to act the same infamous part in the tragedy of his life.

See vol. ii. p. 376 of Don Vicente's edition. See Ch. xxxix. section 25. He died Oct. 18, 1562. Ch. xxvii. section 21. "El Padre Presentado, Dominico. The father was Fra Pedro Ibanez. See ch. xxxviii. section 15. From the monastery of the Incarnation. These were Ana of St. John, Ana of All the Angels, Maria Isabel, and Isabel of St. Paul. St.

And, unless Rip had miscalculated the mass of the two pieces, they would have their nuclear blast. Rip surveyed the crystal with some anxiety. It looked right. Dominico already had rigged the timer from the atomic bomb. He connected the wires. "Do I set it, sir?"

These miserable beings formed the lowest caste, and were despised and often persecuted by those of their fellow-slaves who were orderly and industrious, and cherished habits of self-respect. In Dominico, at one period, these run-away negroes, MAROONS, as they were called, amounted to more than a thousand.

In 1800, Bonaparte advanced him to a captain-general at Guadeloupe, an island which his plots, eight years before, had involved in all the horrors of anarchy, and where, when he now attempted to restore order, his former instruments rose against him and forced him to escape to one of your islands I believe Dominico.

Rip took the wired igniter from him and thrust it into the tube Dominico had given him. As the crystal came around again, the process was repeated. The hole was undamaged. There was more time to get clear because of the asteroid's slower speed. The second tube slowed the rock even more, so that they had to wait long minutes while the crystal came around again. Rip did some estimating.

But no useful suggestions were forthcoming until little Dominico spoke up. "Sir, why don’t we make two bombs from one?" "Sir, Why Don’t We Make Two Bombs From One?" "I wish we could," Rip said. "Do you know how, Dominico?" "No, Lieutenant. If we had parts, I could put bombs together. I can take them apart, but I don’t know how to make two out of one."

He bent over the edge of the hole and watched Trudeau pay out wire while Dominico pushed the bomb to the bottom. The Italian made a last minute check, then called to Rip. "Ready, sir." He dropped into the hole and inspected the connections himself, then personally pulled the safety lever. The bomb was armed. When the timer acted, it would go off.

He leaned over the timer, which rested near the lip of the hole, took the dial control in his glove, and turned it to position ten. He held it long enough to glance at his chronometer and say, "Starting now!" Then he let it go. Wasting no time, but not hurrying, he and Dominico returned to the landing boat.