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"Just dismissed; that's all there is of it. I went to see Fitch, too, and gave him a piece of my mind. He wrote me a letter I found here saying that in my absence he'd taken the liberty of entering an appearance for me, along with you, in the case. I told him I'd attend to my own lawsuits, and that he could just scratch his appearance off the docket."

My request is reasonable, and I trust thou wilt not refuse it." In answer to this appeal, Mr. Bussier merely repeated, "Go out of my office!" Friend Hopper offered him half a dollar, saying, "I want an extract from thy docket. Here is the lawful fee." All this time, Mr. Bussier had been under the hands of a barber, who was cutting his hair.

Now? A darkbacked figure under Merchants' arch scanned books on the hawker's cart. Certainly, sir. Is it in the city? O, yes, Blazes Boylan said. Ten minutes. The blond girl handed him a docket and pencil. Will you write the address, sir? Blazes Boylan at the counter wrote and pushed the docket to her. Send it at once, will you? he said. It's for an invalid. Yes, sir. I will, sir.

November sixteenth: All hands are at work now for the children, and overalls, waists and shirts for the little boys as well as garments for the girls are on the docket. The big boys fished, and got smelt and tom-cod. B. sewed at mittens for himself, and G. took the church organ to pieces to clean and repair it. Mr. M., who has been at work on the Home, has come here to spend the winter.

"Aren't they going the hell of a docket!" he exclaimed fondly, "and good old Chantress leading the lot of them, the darling! It'll be a queer thing now, if I don't get there in time!"

Whoever holds that office should have not only learning and ability, but patience and courtesy in a high degree. He must be methodical in the transaction of business, if the docket of the court is a large one. He should have the art of presiding over its public sessions and disposing of the minor motions which may be made from the bar with dignity and tact.

Again, they act as monitors over the Dutch corner-shops, the keepers of which pay them large sums to save themselves the heavy license fine and the information docket.

And sure enough, the shoemaker's son listed, and was put at the head of soldiers, and got the command of England, and came with his soldiers to put down Ireland. And Howley saw them coming and he tied his handkerchief to the top of his stick, and when Cromwell saw that, he halted the army, 'For there is some poor man in distress, he said. Then Howley showed him the docket his father had written.

At one term of the court he entered fifty-eight writs, and there were terms when he had from seventy to one hundred cases on the docket. Each of these cases gave him thirty-three and one third cents costs for every day of the term. Russell held the office of Master in Chancery. In 1838 the Insolvent Law was enacted, and its administration was confided to Masters in Chancery.

The gentleman throwed it at me when I called, and said, 'Now take it to the Patent Office in Lincoln's Inn. I was then in my third week at Thomas Joy's living very sparing, on account of fees. I found myself losing heart. At the Patent Office in Lincoln's Inn, they made 'a draft of the Queen's bill, of my invention, and a 'docket of the bill. I paid five pound, ten, and six, for this.