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This is no business of yours, Ernie. I'm the one he wants to dicker with. You can't put up a job on Brad and he knows it. He's just using you to land me. Not for ten million, Grand. Do you get that?" "Don't shout so that they can hear you in the street," cried Grand, scowling deeply. "Let me have a few words with Ernie." "Yes, Dick, you'd better shut up," added Ernie eagerly.

"That will be enough for me if we can make a dicker. Suppose we adjourn to your office. This is too public a place for a talk." They went out together. "So there is no ill-feeling?" said the General, as Druce arose to go with the securities in his handbag. "No. But we'll stick strictly to business after this, and leave social questions alone.

But prayer-wheels! little did I think when I stood at the altar with Josiah Allen that I should have to dicker with them. It only took six hours to sail from Hongkong up to Canton.

For half an hour the dicker went on, and finally a price of fifteen thousand dollars was agreed upon. Mr. Bowman was to pay over the money, and Scattergood was to contribute his five thousand dollars as soon as they got it. For one third of the profits. The money was paid over; the three robbers disappeared with alacrity, leaving Scattergood and Bowman with the stolen gold.

"I'm giving you facts, straight facts, dear boy," replied Horace, his pale eyes shining through his white lashes. "But but " "Oh, there's no 'but but' about it." Horace was consummately assured. "That man is the owner of your lost mine, so go ahead and dicker with him. I know. You can take my word for it." "Is this a fact, Penfield?" asked Robert gravely.

Give roome for Leyden: heer's an old Cutter, heer's one has polld more pates and neater then a dicker , of your Barbers; they nere need washing after. Do's not thy neck itch now to be scratchd a little with this? Har.

Say, Dickson, I understand you own a thousand acres down here. Do you want to sell it? . . . How much?" As he received the answer to that question he turned to Miss Josephine and winked, while an expression of profound joy, albeit materialized into a grin, overspread his features. "I won't dicker with you on that price," he said into the telephone.

He had an old flat-bottomed boat that he used to sail 'round in, but she broke her moorin's one time and got smashed up, so he wanted to buy another. Shadrach Wingate, Seth's granddad 'twas, tried to fix up a dicker with him for a boat he had. They agreed on the price, and everything was all right 'cept that Uncle Elihu stuck out that he must try her 'fore he bought her.

Ordinarily a rupee is sufficient, although for a grandee's cremation a fee of a thousand rupees has sometimes been demanded and paid. The dicker with the Dom being concluded, the chief mourner lights a handful of dried reeds at his fire, hurries to the waiting pyre, walks seven times around it, and with the blazing reeds held in the right hand lights the mass at head and foot.

"Orme," said I, suddenly, "your love is a disgrace to any woman." "Usually," he admitted, calmly, "but not in this case. I propose to marry Miss Meriwether; and I tell you frankly, I do not propose to have anything stand in my way." "Then, by God!" I cried, "take her. Why barter and dicker over any woman with another man? The field is open. Do what you can. I know that is the way I'd do."