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As for America, Miss Effingham, she is fast getting vices peculiar to herself and her system, and, I think, vices which bid fair to bring her down, ere long, to the common level, although I do not go quite so far in describing her demerits as some of the countrymen of Mademoiselle Viefville have gone." "And what may that have been?" asked the governess eagerly, in English.

Whatever the merits or demerits of the Retreat might be, it was just the place Stafford wanted.

Keen was the irony which she expressed irony, which so well applied to my demerits in one great respect, that I could not help making the personal application.

The Great Spirit wishes you well, and He has taken away the chief, lest you should be led astray by his wily tongue, and get to be a Mingo in your disposition, as you were already in your company." "Arrowhead was a great chief," returned the woman proudly. "He had his merits, he had; and he had his demerits, too. But June you are not desarted, nor will you be soon.

You won't do better than that this fell." Whereupon ensued a discussion on the respective merits and demerits, and the prospective rise and fall in horse-flesh. "Take heed what ye do; let the fear of the Lord be upon you." Had those two gentlemen heard that text? Let me introduce to you the Harrison dinner-table, and the people gathered there on the afternoon of that Sabbath day.

While they were discussing the merits of the landscape and the demerits of the transaction there came a knock at the door and the Moneybags walked in. Before he opened his lips Jack had taken his measure. He was one of those connoisseurs who know it all. The town is full of them.

In the following October, Alexander appointed Vladan Georgevitch Prime Minister, and bade him form a Government. The merits or demerits of this Government we need not trouble about. What is of interest is that it was at once attacked by the French Press. The Temps accused Vladan of secret understandings with Goluchowsky and Kallay, before forming it.

And when he was on horseback he said to the Earle on this manner, 'My Lord, an I live ye shall be rewarded for your labour that ye have used at this time, according to your demerits. At this saying the Earle was highly offended and cryed for horse.

He had been given five demerits. This was below the gravity of his offense, but he had been let off lightly the first time. "You've got to stick to duty, and keep it always in mind," Darrin admonished his chum. "I don't intend to turn preachy, Dan; but you'll surely discover that the man who lets his indolence or sense of fun get away with him is much better off out of the Naval Academy." "Pooh!

"Well, then, I may confess it. I do not like him. My father prefers him to any one else, invites him here daily, and, in fact, instals him as his first favorite. But still, I cannot like him; and yet I have done my best to do so." "Indeed!" said I, pointedly. "What are his chief demerits? Is he not agreeable? Is he not clever?"