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Updated: August 29, 2024

He had almost fifteen thousand infantry and three thousand horse. A career of brief triumph before winter should close in upon those damping fields, seemed now assured. But the rain, which during nearly the whole campaign had been his potent ally, had of late been playing him false.

This was somewhat damping; but the hold of the paid social agitator is very great in these country places, and it is scarcely credible what extraordinary stories are circulated on the eve of an election to influence the voters.

Chillon's damping of her enthusiasm sank her to a mere breathing body, miserably an animal body, no comrade for a valiant brother; this young man's feeble consort, perhaps: and a creature thirsting for pleasure, disposed to sigh in the prospect of caresses. Enthusiasm gone, her spirited imagination of active work on the field of danger beside her brother flapped a broken wing.

He listened, damping his cigars with his lips. "You will let me know when you wish to go," he said. "But I should like to stay " "That is another matter!" "Stay, that was badly rolled," she cried, seizing on a cigar and devouring all that Armand's lips had touched. "Do you smoke?" "Oh, what would I not do to please you?" "Very well. Go, madame."

He ignored her as he ignored all the rest of the boarders, and devoured his meal in absolute silence in so far as any speech went wrapt in an impenetrable moroseness which had a damping effect upon the entire company. Truth to tell, he was obsessed with his thoughts and feelings against the man James.

On one of these occasions, the Culloden was under easy sail off the coast of Coromandel, and preparations had been made for partially caulking the ship, when a pitch-kettle, which had been heated, contrary to orders, on the fore part of the main deck, caught fire, and the people, instead of damping it out, most imprudently attempted to extinguish it with buckets of water.

It was considered that we ought to transact all the ordinary business of our several departments. November 18. Called on Hardinge. He is out of spirits. Yesterday at the meeting of the employés Lord G. Somerset asked Peel if he would lead them to which Peel gave a damping answer.

There is nothing so damping to the ardor of youthful economies as the hard, positive logic of figures. It is so delightful to think in some airy way that the things we like best are the cheapest, and that a sort of rigorous duty compels us to get them at any sacrifice. There is no remedy for this illusion but to show by the multiplication and addition tables what things are and are not possible.

Returning to compositors, and what they note and do not note, if the fresh author has happened to feel it a rather damping forecast of his reception by the public that those who have had the first and closest contact with his efforts are not in any way aroused by their remarkable originality, yet one who may have had opportunities of taking a wide view of the functions of the compositor will not wonder that, like the deaf adder, he systematically closes his ear to the voice of the charmer.

Nothing was heard from morning until night but shouts and acclamations and bursts of martial music; so that it appeared to the Moors as if a continual festival and triumph reigned in the Christian camp. The arrival of the queen, however and the menaced obstinacy of the siege, had no effect in damping the fire of the Moorish chivalry.

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