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John Nicholson was one of the finest, manliest, and noblest of men "every inch a hakim," the natives said of him "a tower of strength," as he was characterised by Lord Dalhousie. In whatever capacity he acted he was great, because he acted with his whole strength and soul.

Having received invitations to stay with Lord Dalhousie and the Duke of Gordon, Willis went north at the beginning of September, 1834. The nominal attraction of Scotland he found, rather to his dismay, was the shooting.

Like other governors, Lord Dalhousie attempted to govern to the best of his ability, and what mistakes he committed arose from the contradictory and perplexing instructions he received from the officials in Downing Street, who were quite incapable at times of understanding the real condition of affairs in the province.

"Didn't you put it into your pocket, by mistake?" suggested Jaspar. "Certainly not," replied Dalhousie; "here it is;" and, picking up the key, he handed it to Jaspar. "I was certain I left it here." Jaspar felt much relieved. "Sorry to have troubled you," said he, "but I wanted a paper " and he rose and opened the drawer, as if in quest of it. "No trouble at all," returned the overseer.

It is very doubtful whether Nova Scotia is better governed to-day than it was in the days of Lord Dalhousie or Sir Colin Campbell. Native Nova Scotians have shown that we do not need to go abroad for lazy and impecunious placemen. But two things are certain.

The Governor had virtually suspended the execution of the Canada Trade Act and had, in consequence, exposed Lower Canada to the misfortune of a renewal of the difficulties with Upper Canada. Lord Dalhousie was pestered with considerable ingenuity. The Assembly of Lower Canada were rapidly becoming conservative or non-progressive.

The great business quarter round Dalhousie Square has been steadily rebuilt on a scale of massive magnificence scarcely surpassed in the city of London, and many of the shops compare with those of our West End.

Lockhart's Home Correspondence Death of Walter Lockhart Scott Mr. Hope takes the Name of Hope-Scott Last Illness and Death of Mr. Lockhart Death of Lady Hope Letter of Lord Dalhousie Mr. Hope-Scott purchases a Highland Estate Death of Mrs. Hope-Scott and her Two Infants Letters of Mr. Hope- Scott, in his Affliction, to Dr. Newman and Mr. Gladstone Verses in 1858 Letter of Dr.

"You know him, do you?" continued he. "Well, no I can't say I do." "But you have business with him?" "Not particularly with him, the Lord forbid!" replied the stranger, devoutly. "Devil a bit with him, at all," added his companion. "Since no one else resides under the same roof with him, may I ask the reason of your visit there, if I am not too bold?" said Dalhousie.

He says the accounts from Manchester to-day are worse. Parliament opened. Took the oaths. Office. Lord Dalhousie was so ill on June 4 that I have no idea of his being now Commander-in-Chief in India. Received a summons to a Cabinet at four precisely, and went to the Foreign Office; but nobody came. I think it must have been summoned to meet at Peel's house.