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Updated: August 20, 2024

It fell without effect; and Dacoma, turning quickly, brought his lance again to the charge. Before El Sol could ward it off, the thrust was given, and the weapon appeared to pass through his body! I involuntarily uttered a cry, as I expected to see the noble Indian fall.

The men hurried to obey the command; and in a few minutes the captive children, with Dacoma and the Mystery Queen, were led forward to the very brink of the chasm. The serapes that had shrouded them were removed, and they stood exposed in their usual costumes before the eyes of the Indians. Dacoma still wore his helmet, and the queen was conspicuous in the rich, plume-embroidered tunic.

"And why may we not question our brother, the chief Dacoma? The lad is young. He may not understand us. The chief could assure us better." "Dacoma was not with us at the town. He knows not what was done there." "Let Dacoma answer that."

"It 'ud be better, cap, fust to gi' them a good sight o' what we've got. They hain't seed Dacoma yet, nor the queen. Thur in the bushes." "Right!" answered Seguin. "Comrades! bring forward the captives to the edge of the barranca. Bring the Navajo chief. Bring the my daughter!"

I thought that Dacoma was protecting me from some feeling of pity or gratitude, and I endeavoured to recollect whether I had shown him any special act of kindness during his captivity. I had sadly mistaken the motives of that splendid savage. My head felt sore. Had they scalped me? With the thought I raised my hand, passing it over my crown. No.

For those of our captives that were woman-grown they would exchange one for one, and for their chief Dacoma they offered to give two; for the rest they insisted on receiving two for one.

"Brother!" replied Seguin, "you are wrongly suspicious, but you shall have his answer," and he addressed some words to the Navajo chief, who sat near him upon the ground. The question was then put directly to Dacoma by the speaker on the other side.

On looking more attentively in his face, I saw that he was regarding her with deep interest, and listening to the broken phrases that fell from her lips. There was a picture of sorrow and anxiety in his look that touched me to the heart. As I watched him, the girl murmured some words, to me unintelligible, but among them I recognised the name "Dacoma." I saw that Seguin started as he heard it.

Upon a high roof two men were engaged in combat fierce and deadly. Their brilliant dresses had attracted me, and I soon recognised the combatants. They were Dacoma and the Maricopa! The Navajo fought with a spear, and I saw that the other held his rifle clubbed and empty. When my eye first rested upon them, the latter had just parried a thrust, and was aiming a blow at his antagonist.

Our captors now divided themselves into two parties, and started up the barranca, taking opposite sides. One went with the Mexican captives and the girls and children of the tribe. The larger party, under Dacoma now head chief, for the other had been killed in the conflict guarded us. We were carried up that side on which was the spring, and, arriving at the water, were halted for the night.

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