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"I can't think how you do it. Swedish exercises? I know it's wonderful what they do for you in no time. But you have to think about them all the while, and I think of Cuthbert and Dickie and the horses and, oh, all sorts of things! Those sort, I mean, nice things." She pondered Sanchia's godhead, shaking her pretty draperies out, then recalled herself. "Oh, yes, about coming here.

No story better lights up for us the new religious life of the time than the story of this Apostle of the Lowlands. Born on the southern edge of the Lammermoor, Cuthbert found shelter at eight years old in a widow's house in the little village of Wrangholm.

The compline service was familiar to each one present, and Father Cuthbert intoned it in a stentorian voice, particularly those portions of the 91st Psalm which seemed to defy the Evil One, and he recited just as if he were sure Satan was listening: "Thou shalt go upon the lion and the adder; the young lion and the dragon shalt thou tread under thy feet."

Cuthbert was by this time aware that he had but little love left for the creed in which he had been reared.

I trow you will find your treasure as it left your hand." "I am sure of it," answered Cuthbert gratefully; "and I return you many thanks for your goodwill and sound counsel in the matter. But for your good offices I should have lost all. I trust you yourself escaped without misadventure?" Cuthbert was now anxious to be gone. His errand was accomplished.

The king's vessel was far in advance of any of the others, when early the following morning it arrived at Jaffa. "Your eyes are better than mine," the king said to Cuthbert. "Tell me what is that flag flying on the top of the town." Cuthbert looked at it earnestly. "I fear, sire, that it is the crescent. We have arrived too late."

He at once sent across the news to England, and ordered it to be published far and wide, and himself announced it to the barons of Normandy. Then with a gorgeous retinue, including Cuthbert and Blondel, he started for Vienna, and arriving there demanded an interview with the emperor.

Cuthbert at once saw the advantages which such companionship would bring him, and joyfully accepted the minstrel's offer, agreeing himself to go as serving man to Blondel. The latter accompanied him to London. Here their preparations were soon made, and taking ship in a merchantman bound for the Netherlands, they started without delay upon their adventure.

"Won't let me touch a thing liver," said Bean. "Got to be careful of a breakdown." "Tough," said Bulger. "Man needs a certain amount of it, down here in the street. Course, a guy can't sop it up, like you see some do. Other night, now gang of us out, y'understand come too fast for your Uncle Cuthbert.

Pushing back his chair, he sat for some time in a profound and evidently painful reverie, and when his father came in, and closed the door behind him, the cloud of apprehension deepened. "Good-morning, Cuthbert, I must compliment you on your early hours. How is Maud?" "I have not seen her this morning. Victorine usually takes her out at this time of the day.