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Until student government has recognized absolute intellectual integrity as a part of its ideas, it will not have achieved its end. The rock on which all scholarship is founded is honour. Lack of honour is fatal to its ideal. "Cribbing," often excused by people who do not stop to think, is the small beginning of a big evil.

He went to the hotel and persuaded the head waiter to give him something to eat, although it was long after the dinner hour. As he left the dining room, the clerk handed him two telegrams. One read: Get cribbing down. The other: Steam barge Demosthenes leaves Milwaukee tonight for Manistogee. As Bannon was paying for his dinner, he asked the clerk what sort of a place Manistogee was.

Bannon pointed toward a cleared space behind the pile of cribbing, where the carpenters had been at work on the heavy timbers. "They're all ready for the framing." Max made no reply, but he looked up as they passed the elevator and measured with his eyes the space remaining between the cribbing and the tops of the posts.

He sealed the envelope and tossed it to one side. "Miss Vogel," he said, pushing his chair back, "didn't you ask me something just now?" "It was about getting the cribbing across the lake," she replied. "I don't see how you did it." Her interest in the work pleased Bannon. "It ain't a bad story. You see the farmers up in that country hate the railroads. It's the tariff rebate, you know.

"I'm only in for cribbing voters; which, be it known, is commonly called a laudable enterprise just before our elections come off, and a henious offence when office-seekers have gained their ends. But what use is it discussing the affairs of State with a thing like you?"

Bannon was looking about, calculating with his eye the space that was available for the incoming lumber. "How'd you manage that business, anyway?" asked Peterson. "What business?" "The cribbing. How'd you get it to the lake?" "Oh, that was easy. I just carried it off." "Yes, you did!" "Look here, Pete, that timber hasn't got any business out there on the wharf.

"No o, I don't think I am, but I I am sure I shall be. O Kitty, I am in such trouble. I must tell some one." "I think I know what it is," said Kitty gently. "Oh no, you don't," groaned Anna. "You can't. It is worse than copying my sums, or or cribbing, or anything." "I know," said Kitty again. But Anna did not hear her. She was looking at Betty. "Come to my room, do!" she said.

"Got to!" exclaimed Pete. "I don't see it that way. We can't do it." "Can or can't, that don't interest MacBride a bit. He says it's got to be done and it has." "Why, he can't expect us to do it. He didn't say anything about January first to me. I didn't know it was a rush job. And then we played in hard luck, too, before you came. That cribbing being tied up, for instance.

Gillian gave a desperate twist, but let her aunt smooth her hand. 'All the class -almost -seem to have done it in some telegraphic way, hard to understand, proceeded Aunt Jane. 'There must have been some stupidity on the part of the class-mistress, Miss Mellon, or it could not have gone on; but there has of late been a strong suspicion of cribbing in Caesar in Valetta's class.

Nine years after that day on which he had gone to Carmarthen Joseph said in his heart: "London shops for experience"; and he caused a frock coat to be sewn together, and he bought a silk hat and an umbrella, and at the spring cribbing he walked into a shop in the West End of London, asking: "Can I see the engager, pleaze?"