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Updated: August 21, 2024

They would stop talking to get down on their knees and dust up the floor, which was most embarrassing, you couldn't very well ask to be let to help. There was one coster who had his broken leg in a cage which moved with the leg no matter how much he tossed.

But there were many other striking costumes, Girot, in shabby black tail coat and life-like nose made of bread, representing one of the race that hopes to return to Palestine. Colonel Gibbons of the 7th and his Adjutant, Blair, were not recognised for long in their coster costumes. Colonel Anderson of the 6th arrived as a pirate mounted on a donkey.

I have got all the other lots; now name your own price." To which Coster replied by confessing the real obstacle to the sale. "The fact is," said he, "I can't sell unless Mrs. Coster consents. If she is willing, I'll sell for sixty thousand, and you can call to-morrow morning and ask her." Mr. Astor presented himself at the time named. "Well, Mr.

Coster, a retired merchant of great wealth, who lived next door to Mr. Astor's residence, was extremely indisposed to remove, and held out long against every offer of the millionaire. His house was worth thirty thousand dollars.

Astor offered him that sum; but the offer was very positively declined, and the old gentleman declared it to be his intention to spend the remainder of his days in the house. Mr. Astor offered forty thousand without effect. At length the indomitable projector revealed his purpose to his neighbor. "Mr. Coster," said he, "I want to build a hotel.

It is not on his account that I make this observation; he does not require it at my hands; it is for 'myself, it is for the accused, whom such arts tend to injure in the estimation of the public." Coster St.

Trial of Moreau, Georges, and others Public interest excited by Moreau Arraignment of the prisoners Moreau's letter to Bonaparte Violence of the President of the Court towards the prisoners Lajolais and Rolland Examinations intended to criminate Moreau Remarkable observations Speech written by M. Garat Bonaparte's opinion of Garat's eloquence General Lecourbe and Moreau's son Respect shown to Moreau by the military Different sentiments excited by Georges and Moreau Thoriot and 'Tui-roi' Georges' answers to the interrogatories He refuses an offer of pardon Coster St.

Coster the State Attorney announced, of the nature of a fishing examination, and he claimed to be permitted to conduct it in a manner which, he alleged, is popular in Holland, but which is entirely unknown in the Transvaal, and certainly does not obtain in any British possession. The chief feature of this system appears to be a total disregard of the rules applying to evidence.

"I've known what you were doing for a long time now," he announced, holding his revolver leveled on his auditor while he spoke. There was some debate, but the sheriff clinched his argument by going into details, and when he had finished outlining the prosecution's case he delivered his ultimatum: "Get out or I'll kill you." Coster joined Juan Soto in exile.

It was, after all, only Hampstead Heath on a small scale. "Walk up, walk up! All the fun of the fair! Buy a teazer! Buy a teazer! Buy a teazer! Tickle the girls! Walk up! Try your luck at the darts, sir; now then, sir, come on!" The confused roar was as music to Gordon's soul. He had the Cockney love of a fair. The children of London are still true to the coster legends of the Old Kent Road.

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