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Then we passed shuddering by many vacant booths that had once resounded with the revelry of ninepenny teas and the gingerbeer cork's staccato, and their forms were piled together and their trestles overturned. And the wind ravened, and no human beings were to be seen.

"That's just what was bothering me!" said Kalle, turning round with a disconsolate laugh. "For they ought, of course. But if the cork's once drawn, you know how it disappears." He reached out slowly for the corkscrew which hung on a nail. But Lasse would not hear of it; he would not taste the beverage for the world.

"But the sperets can't get out on account ov the accidents that's stuck in the neck ov the bottle," says his Riv'rence. "Accident ought to be passable to sperit," says the Pope, "and that makes me suspect that the reality ov the cork's in it afther all." "That's a barony-masia," says his Riv'rence, "and I'm not bound to answer it.

All feeling seemed to be unaccountably suspended. The figure of a big man met her on the threshold. She looked at him with wide, incurious eyes, recognizing him without surprise. "You are too late," she said. He started, and bent to look at her closely. From the deep shadow behind her arose Cork's ominous growl. She turned back into the room. "May I come in?" Sir Kersley asked in his gentle voice.

"I know it," said Gypsy, forlornly; "don't you remember when I was a little bit of a thing, my telling you that I guessed God made a mistake when he made me, and put in some ginger-beer somehow, that was always going off? It's pretty much so; the cork's always coming out at the wrong time." "Well," said Mrs. Breynton, with a smile, "I'm glad you're trying afresh to hammer it in.

So he lay, perdu, in the high rear room of a Capulet, reading pink sporting sheets and cursing the slow paddle wheels of the Kaiser Wilhelm. It was on Thursday evening that Cork's seclusion became intolerable to him.

To-morrow Sheridan Knowles dines with us, to read a new play he has written, in which I am to act. In the evening we go to Lady Cork's, Sunday we have a dinner-party here, Monday I act Camiola, Tuesday we go to Mrs. Harry's, Wednesday I act Camiola, and further I know not. Good-by, dear; ever yours,

There's nothing like opin-speakin'. Orth'ris, ye scutt, let me put me oi to that bottle, for my throat's as dhry as whin I thought I wud get a kiss from Annie Bragin. An' that's fourteen years gone! Eyah! Cork's own city an' the blue sky above ut an' the times that was the times that was!

Them's nothing but the accidents of the cork that you're looking at and handling; but, as I tould you afore, the real cork's dhrew and is here prisint on the end ov this nate little insthrument, and it was the noise I made in dhrawing it, and nothing else, that you mistook for the sound ov the pogue." You know there was no conthravening what he said; and the Pope couldn't openly deny it.

However, he sent off Mrs. Cork's son directly on one of his horses to enquire about the hunt. At the same time he gave orders to old Nanny that she was to put out food and water for her mistress, on the chance that she might yet be in the neighbourhood.