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Updated: August 29, 2024

In order to secure themselves against the spying, armed converters, they hit upon the idea of masking a number of their party, so as to keep their superstitious opponents at a distance, and thus, protected by caricatures of devils, to finish in peace the pure worship of God.

When the furnaces opened and the flames belched out into the night they threw horrible black shadows, you know, like eddies of pitch or when the converters dumped. ... They lit up the sky with an explosion of reds and yellows and whites that put out the stars. It it was like nothing so much as hell." Lorelei had never heard her room-mate speak with such feeling nor in such a strain.

Power was therefore fed to the driving projectors, and each scientist, electrician, and mechanic bent to the task of repairing the ruined generators; rebuilding them to handle any load which the converters could possibly put upon them. For two days the Boise drove on; then her acceleration was reversed, and finally a landing was effected upon the forbidding, rocky soil of the strange world.

Bessemer himself vividly described his process in action: "When the molten pig iron is poured into mortar-like converters, supported on trunions like a cannon, the process is brought into full activity. The blast is admitted through holes in the bottom, when small powerful jets of air spring upward through the boiling fluid mass, and the whole apparatus trembles violently.

The melted iron from the blast-furnaces was tapped into ladles mounted on iron cars, and provided with mechanism for tipping the ladles. The molten iron of the cars was next transferred to improved converters in an adjoining building, constructed entirely of iron. Nearby were the spiegel cupolas.

The comparatively feeble batteries which had furnished the currents used in the earlier efforts were replaced with great power-driven dynamos, and converters were used instead of the induction coil. Thus was the great Poldhu station established.

If the plan fails by which I propose to convert them myself, I would gladly contribute my mite towards the sending two or three trained missionaries, who have been known as successful converters of Jews and Mahometans; but such have seldom much to glory in the flesh, and when I think of the high Ydgrunites, and of the figure which a missionary would probably cut among them, I cannot feel sanguine that much good would be arrived at.

Then came the integration of industry the concentration under one control of all of the steps in the industrial process from the raw material to the finished product, iron mines, coal mines, blast furnaces, converters, and rail mills united in one organization to take the raw material from the ground and to turn out the finished steel product.

Putting her sweet face close to his, and without shrinking back from the poisonous breath that almost suffocated her, she whispered, "And Rosa will love you again, daddy; love you so dearly if you'll only leave off drinking." She pointed to a full bottle standing on the table next to an empty one, and some of the holy fury of the converters who used to fell oaks and shatter idols came over her.

Tom, who had been poking around in the converters, said: "I think we can forget about the engines. This is a machine-shop job. We need parts, and we haven't anything to make them out of or with." That was about what I'd thought. Tom knew more about lift-and-drive engines than I'd ever learn, and I was willing to take his opinion as confirmation of my own. "Tom, take a look at this mess," I said.

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