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Were I so brutal, cou'd thy Love comply To serve it self with base Adultery? For cou'd I love thee, cou'd I love again, Our Lives wou'd be but one continu'd Sin: A Sin of that black dye, a Sin so foul, 'Twou'd leave no Hopes of Heav'n for either's Soul. Dia. Dull Man! Dost think a feeble vain Excuse Shall satisfy me for this Night's abuse?

On what account, think ye, was I the same to you in the aviary, that the boy here, now is!" "And who but you," interrupted I, "gave me that slip in the portico?" "Why what, my Man of Gotham," continu'd he, "must I have done, when I was dying for hunger? Hear sentence forsooth, that is, the ratling of broken glasses, and the expounding of dreams?

He brought some of his chief Men into his Cabin, and 2 of them having a Drum, and a Rattle, sung by us, as we lay in Bed, and struck up their Musick to serenade and welcome us to their Town. And tho' at last, we fell asleep, yet they continu'd their Consort till Morning.

The latter recounts that "the ground and air, smoke and fiery vapour, continu'd so intense, that my haire was almost sing'd, and my feete unsuffurably surbated.

The Locrensians having been destroyed by a Lieutenant of Scipio's, were never reveng'd by him, nor the insolence of that Lieutenant punisht; all this arising from his easie nature: so that one desiring to excuse him in the Senate, said, that there were many men knew better how to keep themselves from faults, than to correct the faults of other men: which disposition of his in time would have wrong'd Scipio's reputation and glory, had he therewith continu'd in his commands: but living under the government of the Senate, this quality of his that would have disgrac'd him not only was conceal'd, but prov'd to the advancement of his glory.

To him ecstatic verses are inscribed: O Martin! Martin! let the grateful sound Reach to that Heav'n which has our Friendship crown'd, And, like our endless Friendship, meet no bound. But alas! one day Martin came back, after a long absence, and, although he still With generous, kind, continu'd Friendship burn'd, he found Sylvius entirely absorbed by Amasia.

It is a meretricious Prostitution of Wit, when the Possessors of it can deny no Addresses, and refuse no Invitations and Appointments, but suffer themselves to be shown at every Entertainment; Besides the gratifying of their Vanity, by a constant pursuit of Approbation and Praise, which is the Spring whence this Prodigality of Parts and waste of facetious Humour chiefly arise; it is evident, they spend a great deal of Time, of which a wise Man can give no Account, while Wit, which should in its proper place, renew and revive the Spirits for useful Employment, becomes a continu'd Diversion, and makes everlasting Idleness the Business of Life.

These, Sir, when in Conjunction with Mortals, beget immortal Races; such as the first-born Man, which had continu'd so, had the first Man ne'er doated on a Woman. Doct. I am of that opinion, Sir; Man was not made for Woman. Char.