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Perhaps he had struck first upon the little pack which he had fastened upon his back. It reminded him that he was shoeless and coatless and undoing the pack he reclothed himself fully. He was quite sure that he had not lain there more than a quarter of an hour. Nothing had happened while he was unconscious.

Then he was found in the streets of New York City by the president of the college from which he had first graduated, wretched and debased from drink, coatless and hatless. His old friend took him to a hotel, and then brought his case to the notice of the people at a prayer-meeting held in the evening at one of the churches.

White uniformed policemen were flocking into the corridors; soldiers, coatless and hatless, fresh from their beds, came dashing upon the scene. There were excited cries, angry shouts and, snore mystifying than all, horrified looks and whispers. "What has happened?" asked Lorry, stopping near the door. "It can't be a fire. Look! The door to that room down there seems to be the center of attraction.

Inasmuch, however, as Sam was coatless and Mrs. Corblay had been carried home ill the day before, San Pasqual allowed itself one guess and won. To those who sought to question him, however, Sam Singer had nothing more polite than a tribal grunt.

They fought as men should fight, in the pungent half-gloom, colliding or falling prone as the vessel pitched, eyes fixed straight ahead, following the powerful silver lines of water which ribbed the dark and splashed against the steaming steel; white-yellow smoke spirals writhed about their heads like some grotesque saraband; coatless, shirtless, their streaked, sweating bodies gleamed dull and ghastly.

Coatless, disheveled figures, my friend and I stepped out into the moonlight. Hideous under the pale rays lay the two dead men, their glazed eyes upcast to the peace of the blue heavens. Karamaneh had shot to kill, for both had bullets in their brains. If God ever planned a more complex nature than hers a nature more tumultuous with conflicting passions, I cannot conceive of it.

Coatless, but capped and in her gray uniform, she jumped the hospital steps, two at a time, and danced the length of the street. Now Margaret MacLean was small and slender, and there was nothing grotesque in the dancing.

Thou and I, O brother, will thus secure the servants' places close by, and because of our masters' authority none will dare to disturb us. When Faiz Ullah reported all things ready, Scott settled down coatless and bootless on the broad leather-covered bunk. The heat under the iron-arched roof of the station might have been anything over a hundred degrees.

Stephen Brice read the news in the black headlines and laid down the newspaper, a sense of the miraculous upon him. There again was the angled, low-celled room of the country tavern, reeking with food and lamps and perspiration; for a central figure the man of surpassing homeliness, coatless, tieless, and vestless, telling a story in the vernacular.

All, however, had deep stone steps leading to the sidewalk, thronged with figures in airy white dresses, coatless men smoking contentedly; there was a constant light vibration of laughing voices and subdued calling, and the fainter strains of mechanical music, the beat of popular marches and attenuated voices of celebrated singers. The motor turned suddenly in to the curb, and they got out.