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The majority of the club members were down on the programme, therefore these duties had been turned over to their classmates. Grace, besides appearing in the Spanish dance with Miriam, had taken upon herself the duties of stage manager.

But when his classmates joined him and all four cautiously advanced, several minutes elapsed before a solution for the mystery was found. Directly before them the boys could see a long ditch or trench which had been dug the entire length of the back campus and of whose existence they had not been aware.

The four, who were known among their acquaintances as the "inseparables," had been classmates for several terms at School No. I, of Creston, from which they had graduated the previous year and were now students of the Hilltop Academy, where they were preparing for college. Rand Randolph in full, surname Peyton who was slightly the eldest of the four, was the nephew of Mr.

Ted and Oliver were down at the beach at Southampton two Sundays later week-end guests of Peter Piper the three had been classmates at Yale and the friendship had not lapsed like so many because Peter happened to be rich and Ted and Oliver poor.

At fourteen he entered Yale College, where from the first he was a good, faithful student. As his father was poor, Finley had to help himself along, and was able to do it by painting, on ivory, likenesses of his classmates and professors, for which he received from one dollar to five dollars each. In this way he made considerable money.

He hated James Bansemer from the bottom, of his wretched soul, but he could not but feel, at this moment, a touch of admiration. Through all the years of their association Elias Droom had hated Bansemer because he was qualified to be the master, because he was successful and forceful, because he had loved and been loved, because they had been classmates but not equals.

"Now, I hope the next one will be good, and that I can hit it a crack that will drive it into the next county," muttered Ted, feeling the cold sweat beading his forehead. He judged wrongly, on a drop ball. "Strike two!" "Drive a plum into that pudding in the box, Ted," sang out one of his classmates. "Ow-ow-ow!" shrieked a score of watching Central Grammar boys. That was the last straw.

Many parents are dressing carelessly and sending their girls to high school improperly dressed. The boys are tempted yes, are forced to observe the bodies of their girl classmates, in study-rooms, halls, laboratories, and on playgrounds. These girls who are immodestly dressed are not only exposing themselves to danger and inviting familiarities, but are tempting the boys to go wrong.

"Gentlemen," announced the class president, "you have heard the motion, that Mr. Clairy be sent to Coventry for all time to come. The motion has been duly seconded. Remarks are in order." "Mr. President!" It was Dave who had spoken. All eyes were turned in his direction at once. "Mr. Darrin," announced the chair. "Mr. President, and classmates, I, for one, shall vote against the motion."

There are thirty of your classmates who will do whatever you say to show these people that they can't act like this." There were mutiny and desperation in the air. It needed but a spark to destroy the usefulness of the company. But, as is often the case with impetuous, hot-headed spirits, Jack cooled as his friends grew hot. He was the more patient that the injustice was his injury alone.