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His fears were shared by the rest, but as time passed on and they continued to speed smoothly between the rocky walls, they began to feel less apprehensive of danger. "Bildad seems to be feeling quite chipper," said Guy. "Suppose you ask him how he tricked that serpent, Canaris." "Well, I'll try him," was the reply.

However, there was no help for it. Somehow the miserable day following the miserable night ended, and Andy was again back in the room with Dunk. The latter was feeling quite "chipper" again. "Oh, well, it's a pretty good old world after all," Dunk said. "I think I can eat a little now. Never again for me, Andy! Do you hear that?" "I sure do, old man." "And that goes. Put her there!"

For one thing, time clocks meant no more to Amby than an excursion ad. would to a Sing Sing lifer. Amby wasn't interested in 'em. He'd drift in among the file room or bond clerks, or whatever bunch he happened to be inflicted on that particular month, at any old hour, from 10 A. M. up to 2:30 P. M. Always chirky and chipper about it, too.

He had once choked Cooper purple in the face in retaliation for a jest put upon him by the audacious, rattle-brained little chap; but later Chipper had accepted Roy's apologies and protestations of regret, practically forgetting the unpleasant incident, which, however, Roy never did. "Ah-ha!" cried Sile Crane, bringing forth and flourishing a long, burnt, battered bat.

On their last Thursday at Tarpaulin Uncle Tom Sprowl came in on the smack with Captain Higgins. He had boarded the Calista at York Island. Everybody, including Nemo and Oso, was glad to see Uncle Tom. His rheumatism was fully cured and he was spry and chipper.

And the judge says: "It appears you were mistaken this time, my boy." Then Tom took an attitude and let on to be studying with all his might, and scratching his head. Then all of a sudden he glanced up chipper, and says: "Oh, now I've got it! I'd forgot." Which was a lie, and I knowed it. Then he says: "Will somebody be good enough to lend me a little small screwdriver?

At Rand's glance he rose, took up the gun, and slid the pipe into his beaded pouch. The two descended the steps together. "I am going to Lynch's," said Rand. "The stage will soon be in and I want the news. Well?" "He's off," answered Gaudylock. "Chaise to Fredericksburg at six this morning. Pitch dark and no one stirring, and he as chipper, fresh, and pleased as a squirrel with a nut!

A little squirrel went scampering up one huge tree trunk and down another, just a pace ahead, scouting for the other pixies of the woods, till with a scurr-r-r and chitter chipper ee, he whisked back in his tracks. "She's all right, people," he said.

If he feels very chipper, he may decide to give us the slip during the night; but somehow I don't think he will." That night, as the two friends sat together discussing supper, Dick learned a few fresh facts concerning his companion.

Still watching, Hooker beheld Copley nodding his head, and even at that distance Roy could see that he was grinning. "Hey, old Rack!" Chipper Cooper shouted from the field. "Brace him up that's right. Tell him he's got to win or you're financially ruined." Herbert pretended that he did not hear, and, after a final word with Copley, slowly sauntered back into the crowd.