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He's got something up his sleeve and a Chink's sleeve's big enough to hold a good-sized crime," he finished, with a grim essay of humor. "Are these mere suspicions on your part, or do you know that something's up?" "Most things happen on Naapu before there's been any time for suspicion," he rejoined, squinting at his pipe, which had stopped drawing.

Worked for Jo. Dunfer. This monument is erected by him to keep the Chink's memory green. Likewise as a warning to Celestials not to take on airs. Devil take 'em! She Was a Good Egg. I cannot adequately relate my astonishment at this uncommon inscription!

You move 'm along my bunk, I move 'm along that fella Chink's bunk." This accomplished, so that Kwaque, Michael, and Ah Moy occupied the starboard side and Daughtry alone bunked on the port side, he went on deck and aft to his duties. On his next return he found Ah Moy had transferred back to the port side, but this time into the last bunk aft.

The Prof was a bulky old boy, with long gray hair and long black eyebrows, and the habit of prevailing in argument. Him and Oswald never did agree on anything in my hearing, except the Chink's corn muffins; and they looked kind of mad at each other when they had to agree on them. Take the age of this earth on which we make our living.

Then the one with a round face sitting on the left saucily shot back: "A-ah say, that's a locust, a-ah ." "Shut up. They're the same thing. In the first place, what do you mean by answering your teacher 'A-ah say'? Ah-Say or Ah-Sing is a Chink's name!" For this counter-shot, he answered: "A-ah say and Ah-Sing is different, A-ah say." They never got rid of "A-ah say."

BARNABAS. A surplus. Thats what I cant make out. Thats the artfulness of these people. BURGE-LUBIN. That settles it. Whats the use of arguing? The Chink says you are wrong; and theres an end of it. BARNABAS. I say nothing against the Chink's arguments. But what about my facts? CONFUCIUS. If your facts include a case of a man living 283 years, I advise you to take a few weeks at the seaside.

"Name or mark on it?" asked Jack, passing the cloth to Ned. "Nothing of the sort," was the answer, "but there's something better. When the fellow pulled at the Chink's greasy pigtail he got his hand smeared with oil. Then he grasped this white cloth fiercely, and there you are! See! The mark of the thumb couldn't be plainer if it had been printed on.

The chloroform would have attracted the attention of the servants at once if it had been administered in the open air. Then his taking the Chink's blouse as a disguise shows that he is quick to take advantage of his opportunities. A clever man." "And he left no clue!" Jack complained. "Just our luck, Ned!" "All we know is that he is tall, has light brown hair, and is very strong," Ned replied.

He knit his brows fiercely as he fired up, regarding Hardy with a furtive grin. "Say," he said abruptly, "I've got to make friends with you some way. You eat, don't you? All right then, you come along with me over to the Chink's. I'm going to treat you to somethin', if it's only ham 'n' eggs." They dined largely at Charley's and then drifted out to the feed corral.

That's what I'd like to know!" "Where did the man get the Chink's dress?" asked Oliver. "That's what you'd better be asking? Why did the Chink let him in and then loan him the dress?" "I rather think that's why the Chinaman ran away!" laughed Ned. "You boys seem to have reasoned it all out. He might have let the sneak in and then let him have some of his own clothes to wear!