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Updated: August 18, 2024

What is the tane but a waefu' bunch o' cauldrife professors and ministers, that sate bien and warm when the persecuted remnant were warstling wi' hunger, and cauld, and fear of death, and danger of fire and sword upon wet brae-sides, peat-haggs, and flow-mosses, and that now creep out of their holes, like bluebottle flees in a blink of sunshine, to take the pu'pits and places of better folk of them that witnessed, and testified, and fought, and endured pit, prison-house, and transportation beyond seas?

"Indeed, it is a good custom, and much used in Germany, where I come from," said the Princess. "I'm thinking," said Miss Aline, "that in that country they will show more kindliness and hameliness to the folk that serve them than in this cauldrife England." "You are wholly right, Miss Aline," the Princess answered.

But at threescore and upward, men's courage turns cauldrife; and they that canna win a living, must not endanger the small sustenance of their age. I wish you weel through, my lord, but it is an unequal fight."

Coming out of the wet, dark night, it was pleasant to see the blazing ingle, the white-sanded floor, and the little round table holding some cold moor-cock and the pastry that he particularly liked. "Love is but cauldrife cheer, my lad," said Janet, "an' the breast o' a bird an' a raspberry tartlet will be nane out o' the way." David was of the same opinion.

What is the tane but a waefu' bunch o' cauldrife professors and ministers, that sate bien and warm when the persecuted remnant were warstling wi' hunger, and cauld, and fear of death, and danger of fire and sword upon wet brae-sides, peat-haggs, and flow-mosses, and that now creep out of their holes, like bluebottle flees in a blink of sunshine, to take the pu'pits and places of better folk of them that witnessed, and testified, and fought, and endured pit, prison-house, and transportation beyond seas?

I likened the parish to a widow woman with a small family, sitting in her cottage by the fireside, herself spinning with an eident wheel, ettling her best to get them a bit and a brat, and the poor weans all canty about the hearthstane the little ones at their playocks, and the elder at their tasks the callans working with hooks and lines to catch them a meal of fish in the morning and the lassies working stockings to sell at the next Marymas fair. -And then I likened war to a calamity coming among them the callans drowned at their fishing the lassies led to a misdoing and the feckless wee bairns laid on the bed of sickness, and their poor forlorn mother sitting by herself at the embers of a cauldrife fire; her tow done, and no a bodle to buy more; drooping a silent and salt tear for her babies, and thinking of days that war gone, and, like Rachel weeping for her children, she would not be comforted.

Thus admonished, I followed my guide, but not, as I had supposed, into the body of the cathedral. "This gate this gate, sir," he exclaimed, dragging me off as I made towards the main entrance of the building "There's but cauldrife law-work gaun on yonder carnal morality, as dow'd and as fusionless as rue leaves at Yule Here's the real savour of doctrine."

A smoke seemed to ascend from the horizon halfway to the zenith, something too thin for cloud, too black for vapour; above that the stars were beginning to shine. Joseph shivered and struck his hands against his shoulders. "Care 's cauldrife," he said, and strode on.

Gae wa' wi' ye, man! what does a blithe young man o' mettle want wi' encouragement encouragement, fie!" "Perhaps you can tell me " faltered Ralph. "I thought " "Na, na, I can tell ye naething; ye maun juist find oot for yersel', as a young man should. Only this I wull say, it's only a cauldrife Whigamore that wad tak' 'No' for an answer.

Thus admonished, I followed my guide, but not, as I had supposed, into the body of the cathedral. "This gate this gate, sir," he exclaimed, dragging me off as I made towards the main entrance of the building "There's but cauldrife law-work gaun on yonder carnal morality, as dow'd and as fusionless as rue leaves at Yule Here's the real savour of doctrine."

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