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Thackeray himself was a member of The Garrick, The Athenaeum, and The Reform, but the clubs of many of his characters, like the "buth" of Jeames Yellowplush, are "wrapped up in a mistry." They are alluded to by fancy names, but the scholiast on Thackeray will probably be able to identify them. Is it not time, by the way, for that scholiast to give his labours to the public?

She was beautifully dressed as ever, buth with a far simpler note than usual something which suggested she wished to look charming, without attracting attention; something which suppressed the actress in favour of the woman.

Do you recklect it's twenty years ago now how a bewtiffle princess died in givin buth to a poar baby, and how the whole nation of Hengland wep, as though it was one man, over that sweet woman and child, in which were sentered the hopes of every one of us, and of which each was as proud as of his own wife or infnt?

Charity Coe Cheever, take the stand...." "Ju swear tell tru thole tru noth buth tru thelpugod?" "I do." McNiven, in the direct examination, asked only such questions as Charity easily answered with proud denials of guilt. Beattie began the cross-examination with a sneering scorn of her good faith. "Mrs. Cheever, you are the co-respondent in this case of Dyckman versus Dyckman?" "I am."

So the Hindu coolie stood trembling with fright, while the havildar and the butler were alarmed at their sahib's peril. But Dermot coolly peeled a banana and placed it in the elephant's mouth. The gift was tried and approved by the huge beast, which graciously accepted the rest of the fruit. Then the Major said to it in the mahouts' tongue: "Buth!

Frank blessed his new C.O. for his thoughtfulness and made a welcome meal while he watched his baggage being loaded on to one of the elephants. "Buth!" Frank's "boy" mounted timorously when the luggage had been strapped on to the pad.

Why she gev me this genlmn's name is a diffiklty, or rayther the name of a part of his dress; however, it's stuck to me through life, in which I was, as it were, a footman by buth. Praps he was my father though on this subjict I can't speak suttinly, for my ma wrapped up my buth in a mistry.

I do bleev it was because he had this pictur, and because he was the HONRABBLE Deuceace, that he mannitched to live as he did. If he had been a common man, you'd have said he was no better than a swinler. It's only rank and buth that can warrant such singularities as my master show'd.

When the servants came to the factory to say that Kitty had galloped home with broken reins and without you, I thought you had been killed." "Oh, Fred, I've had such an adventure," she cried gaily. "You'll say it served me right. Wait until I get down. But how am I to do so, Major Dermot?" "The elephant will kneel down. Hold on tightly," he replied. "Buth, Badshah."

Taking Jack into a shed behind the workshop the smith in a short time freed him from his fetters. He not only did this, but supplied him with an ointment which allayed the swelling of his limbs, and crowned all by furnishing him with a jug of excellent ale. "I'm afraid, Jack, you'll come to the gallows," observed the smith; "buth if you do, I'll go to Tyburn to see you.