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"I thought perhaps you also might be departing." "Without coming to say good-bye to you!" he stammered. "Oh, conventions must be disregarded in time of war," she returned carelessly, continuing to shell peas. "I really thought I saw you riding away with the mules." "That man," said Burley, much hurt, "was a bow-legged driver of the Train-des-Equipages. I don’t think he resembles me."

Sorely as he may have chafed at the order, he halted his troopers on the banks of the Clyde when Monmouth's trumpets sounded the recall, with the same readiness and composure that he showed in leading them to the charge down the slopes of Drumclog; and he would have led them against his brothers-in-arms Ross or James Douglas, had they turned rebels, as straightly and keenly as he led them against Hamilton and Burley.

By expostulation, by threats, and even by some degree of violence, Burley, the sternness of whose character maintained a sort of superiority over these disorderly forces, compelled the intruders to retire, and, introducing Morton into the cottage, secured the door behind them against impertinent curiosity.

Bothwell!" and throwing himself into the morass, he struggled through it at the head of his party, and attacked that of Burley with such fury, that he drove them back above a pistol-shot, killing three men with his own hand.

"The young man who came to steal your brains, and turn your knowledge " "Into power," interrupted Burley, with a laugh, but it was a laugh of pain. "Well, this was very mean; I shall tell him so when he comes." "He will come no more," said Leonard. Nor did Randal come again. But he sent Mr.

As soon as Burley became aware that Morton was before him in person, an idea which he caught with marvellous celerity, he at once exerted that mastership over his heated and enthusiastic imagination, the power of enforcing which was a most striking part of his extraordinary character.

"Of such defences," said Morton, "I should have thought you would now have had little need." "Little need?" said Burley impatiently. "What little need, when incarnate fiends are combined against me on earth, and Sathan himself But it matters not," added he, checking himself.

By listening I learned much of interest. The men kept up a ceaseless chatter and discussion, and the sole topic of conversation was the arrival of Christopher Burley and the priest. The travelers, it appeared, had come together from Fort York where all was quiet at the time of their departure and by the same roundabout road our party had traversed some days before.

One party declares for the ravings of a bloodthirsty madman; another leader is an old scholastic pedant; a third" he stopped, and his companion continued the sentence "Is a desperate homicide, thou wouldst say, like John Balfour of Burley? I can bear thy misconstruction without resentment.

The most active of their number were those concerned with Burley in the death of the Primate, four or five of whom had found their way to Loudon-hill, together with other men of the same relentless and uncompromising zeal, who had, in various ways, given desperate and unpardonable offence to the government.