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Updated: August 20, 2024

He had, what is perhaps the subtlest and worst spirit of egotism, not that spirit merely which thinks that nothing should stand in the way of its ill-temper, but that spirit which thinks that nothing should stand in the way of its amiability. His daughters must be absolutely at his beck and call, whether it was to be brow-beaten or caressed.

I hope your next condition isn't as hard." "You must be the judge. It is, that you'll be civil to me, and friendly at least in appearance. I have done, and will do my best for you and 'Lorelei. In return, I'll have no more snubs." "But if they've been deserved? No! I won't be brow-beaten." "Nor will I. Good-by, again, Miss Van Buren." "Here comes Phil now, in her motoring things. Oh dear!

Is there not room for us to sit and talk without being brow-beaten and looked down upon by these supercilious trees?" "It's too far away," said Low truthfully, but with a somewhat pronounced emphasis, "much too far for you just now; and it lies on another trail that enters the wood beyond. But come, I will show you a spring known only to myself, the wood ducks, and the squirrels.

The Assembly, however, firmly convinced of the loyalty of the people, were neither to be cajoled nor brow-beaten out of their rights, and they proceeded to other business of a singularly unpleasant character to the higher powers. Mr. Stuart, the leader of the opposition, was a man of extraordinary capacity and of great firmness of purpose.

Some looked out through dull eyes, humbled and brow-beaten and unfeeling. But all of them when they spoke to Jud Carpenter Jud Carpenter who stood in with the managers of the mill became at once the grinning, fawning framework of a human being. "Yes, boys," said Jud patronizingly as Stallings went out, "this here mill is a god-send to us po' folks who've got chillun to burn.

"Why, I do believe she could have made a fortune in the old days as an overseer down South." Mrs. Irving laughed. "You don't look especially brow-beaten," she said. "And anyway, I should think you would be glad to get up you must be nearly starved to death." "I thought after last night, and the chicken, I could never eat again," said Mollie, her eyes sparkling at the memory.

"Look at him, men!" shouted Sim Squires, following up the wreck of arrogance who through years had brow-beaten him, and becoming in turn himself the bully. "Look at him huddlin' thar like a whipped cur-dawg! Hain't he done es good es made confession by ther guilty meanness in his face?"

There is in the realm of spirit which is our nature and our world no law of either the conservation or the degradation of energy. We must not allow ourselves to be brow-beaten by arguments drawn from the obscurer region of physical and external nature. We know ourselves to be energies or energizing powers which increase and do not waste by exercise.

"A very chivalric speech," replied the enraged and brow-beaten officer. "But you shall answer for this, sir, and at once. This is not the spot you must give me satisfaction for this base insult, or by the heaven above us I will shoot you like a dog!" "As you will, sir. I have spoken openly, and I shall abide by my word.

The first thirty, however, mistrusting the cruel Judge, preferred the chances of an ordinary trial. This was on Saturday. The same evening Jeffreys signed a warrant to hang thirteen on the following Monday, which was punctually performed. Nearly the whole of the remainder were executed. Witnesses were brow-beaten in a most fearful manner.

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