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Updated: August 8, 2024

"You had better come along with us to the Bridewell, Master Dowsett, to sign the charge sheet, though I don't know whether it is altogether needful, seeing that we have caught them in the act; and you will all three have to be at the Court to-morrow at ten o'clock."

I can see plainly enough why a fellow like young Bridewell should dislike the pair of them, and even distrust and suspect them, too; but, unless I am woefully mistaken, they can be counted out of the case entirely. Who, then, is in it? Or is there really any case at all? Is the old captain's malady a natural one, in spite of all these suspicions? I'll know that when I see him."

Here was the whole family here the other day, all howling together. I never saw such a beggarly crew; I was almost ashamed to see them in my house. I thought they seemed fitter for Bridewell than any other place. To be sure, I do not reckon him as proper company for such as you, sir; but there is another prisoner in the house that I dare say you will like very much.

They had but brought us there that they might dazzle us with their glitter and gee-gaws, in order that we might bear a fine report of them back to the West with us. There were supple-backed courtiers, and strutting nobles, and hussies with their shoulders bare, who should for all their high birth have been sent to Bridewell as readily as any poor girl who ever walked at the cart's tail.

Fry found intense satisfaction in learning that the London prisons Newgate, Bridewell, Millbank, Giltspur Street, Compter, Whitecross Street, Tothill Fields, and Coldbath Fields were all in more or less excellent order, and regularly visited by the ladies who had been her coadjutors, and were to be her successors.

At last some of my religious friends advised me, by saying it was my lawful calling, consequently it was my duty to obey, and that God was not confined to place, &c. &c. particularly Mr. G.S. the governor of Tothil-fields Bridewell, who pitied my case, and read the eleventh chapter of the Hebrews to me, with exhortations.

The only horse ever foaled that could have carried me the way a man should be carried. Now I'll have to ride plow horses the rest of my life!" He pointed to the cloddish, heavy-limbed gray which he had ridden in his quest for the superhorse at the Bridewell place. "I been thinking," said Riley. "I been thinking a pile the last few minutes." "What you been thinking about?

Six months in Bridewell, varied by beating hemp, would have been the most fortunate lesson which she could have received from society. Another of those persons, yet more remarkable for her position in life, was the second daughter of George II., the Princess Amelia.

This depot was within the danger line for Jurgis in the "Levee" district, where he was known; but he went there, all the same, for he was desperate, and beginning to think of even the Bridewell as a place of refuge.

"Oh! he asked him his name, and Tom, whose head Mrs. 'De Warens! cried Sir John, amazed, 'we'll have no De's here: take him to Bridewell! and so, Mrs. Copperas, being without a foot-boy, sent for me, and I supplied her with Bob!" "Out of the late Lady Waddilove's wardrobe too?" said Clarence. "Ha, ha! that's well, very well, sir. No, not exactly; but he was a son of her late ladyship's coachman.

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