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Then to Will's and met William Symons and Doling and Luellin, and with them to the Bull-head, and then to a new alehouse in Brewer's Yard, where Winter that had the fray with Stoakes, and from them to my father's. 15th. All the morning at the Commissioners of the Navy about getting out my bill for L650 for the last quarter, which I got done with a great deal of ease, which is not common.

'What I wants is to get up a fight between a man and a woman; there never has yet been such a thing in the ring, and the mere noise of the matter would bring thousands of people together, quite enough to drink out, for the thing should be close to my house, all the brewer's stock of liquids, both good and bad. 'But, said I, 'you were the other day boasting of the respectability of your house; do you think that a fight between a man and a woman close to your establishment would add to its respectability? 'Confound the respectability of my house, said the landlord; 'will the respectability of my house pay the brewer, or keep the roof over my head?

Catherine stood before him in consternation, while a nurse came for the child. 'We had just begun our committee at four o'clock, he said at last, 'though only about half of the men had arrived when there was a great shouting and commotion outside, and a man rushed in calling for Elsmere. We ran out, found a great crowd, a huge brewer's dray standing in the street and a man run over.

He was an old man, wearing a blue waistcoat and a white-pleated kilt, like a brewer's; on his head was an otter-skin cap. His face was tanned, hollow-cheeked, and wrinkled, but ruddy on the cheek-bones by hard work and exposure to the open air. "Asking your pardon, sir," said he, taking Derville by the arm, "if I take the liberty of speaking to you.

From a comparison of the processes employed to obtain these two results, it will be found that the brewer's art has attained a higher degree of perfection than that of the distiller.

Ward's English Poets, 4 vols.; Craik's English Prose Selections, 5 vols.; Chambers's Encyclopedia of English Literature, etc. Adams's Dictionary of English Literature. Ryland's Chronological Outlines of English Literature. Brewer's Reader's Handbook. Botta's Handbook of Universal Literature. Ploetz's Epitome of Universal History. Hutton's Literary Landmarks of London.

In speech and in conduct you are alike detestable. 'Good-bye, girls, cried Ida, lightly: 'you all know how much harm my speech and my example have done you. Good-bye, Fraeulein; don't you be afraid of dismissal, you are too well worth your salt. Polly Cobb, the brewer's daughter, sat near the door by which Ida had to make her exit.

A man will do much for a woman who is his friend, but to be suspected of being a brewer's traveler, to have to push one's way into a strange drawing-room, to have to confront the awful stare of the inmates, and then to have to deliver a message which they will probably consider as the very extreme of audacious and meddling impertinence!

The final ejaculation melted away into the somewhat powerful discord produced by the impact of a brewer's dray with a runaway omnibus at the corner of Greek Street, which was eventually resolved by the bursting of a motor car containing two bookmakers and an acting manager which mingled with them at the rate of perhaps forty miles an hour.

Do let's go there. And I told her what the bird things on the Amulet were like. And she said it was Egyptian writing. The others exchanged looks of silent rejoicing at the thought of their cleverness in having concealed from Jane the terrors they had suffered in the dungeon below the Euphrates. 'Egypt's so nice too, Jane went on, 'because of Doctor Brewer's Scripture History.