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Updated: August 23, 2024

"Brat," he faltered, "lean down I want to tell ye somethin'." Tess bent her ear close to the thick blue lips. "I air here, Daddy! Tess air here," she mourned. Long, laboring breaths moved the red curls hanging about the girl's rigid face. "I said as how I air here, Daddy," she murmured again, touching him.

In an apartment of the forecourt overlooked by cooing doves he would sit, while she laid aside her useless veil and chattered of spirits and fiends of Kulu, of grandchildren unborn, and of the free-tongued brat who had talked to her in the resting-place.

Yer lips be that blue and yer mouth air like a baby-bird's.... Eat, I says, damn ye.... Will ye swallow that?" She held the withered lips open, and filled the cavity with warm milk. "Eat, I says," crooned the girl; "eat, and Tess takes ye tight like this and the rats can't bite ye, or the ghosts get ye till ye air dead. Tess loves ye, ye poor little brat."

"It ain't no other squatter's brat, air it?" "No, no, Frederick," replied Teola, white and wan; "she has told you the truth it isn't another squatter's child." Hope died in the boy and outraged feeling leaped into its place. He held Tessibel's eyes with his relentlessly.

Dan Jordan wondered as he crawled slowly out of bed what a girl could want of him at that early hour. He met Tess at the front door, and without waiting for him to speak Tessibel said in an undertone. "I has somethin' to tell ye.... I air Tess the squatter's brat, what ye gived the coffee to at the parson's house. I said as how I has somethin' to tell ye!"

"It is likely that you will be less pert of tongue after I tell what I found out in the corn-bins yesterday," he said. The maid whirled. "What did you find out, you mischief-full brat?" He continued to stroke the dog's head in dignified silence. "If you mean the the brown-cloaked beggar, let me inform you that that is naught."

She had it plastered and gaily papered, she put up a frieze of animals from Noah's ark; she bought toys and games and a huge sand-box and for a nominal fee, a mother could leave her angel child or squalling brat, as the case might be, in charge of a kindergarten assistant, and watch the feature film without nervousness or bad conscience.

I shall take her straight home, as if I was not ashamed of her, and we will have a dance, and make a clean sweep of our own cake." "Nancy!" cries Tou Tou, innocently, joining in the conversation for the first time, "did any one take him for your grandfather, as the Brat said they would?"

"If you are four you are four," she said severely to Lavinia on an occasion of her having it must be confessed slapped Lottie and called her "a brat;" "but you will be five next year, and six the year after that. And," opening large, convicting eyes, "it takes sixteen years to make you twenty." "Dear me," said Lavinia, "how we can calculate!"

"And no more have you," he said; "no more have you a papa." "Yes," replied the other, "I have one." "Where is he?" rejoined Simon. "He is dead," declared the brat, with superb dignity; "he is in the cemetery, is my papa."

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