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Updated: August 16, 2024

Apart from all questions of taste, however, the striking qualities of the work are undeniable, and it could only have been produced by a sculptor of very genuine endowments." Great American Sculptors. <b>LEY, SOPHIE.</b> Third-class medal at Melbourne; honor diplomas, Karlsruhe. Member of the Künstlerbund, Karlsruhe. Born at Bodman am Bodensee, 1859.

Meantime, as Prince of Parma, he writes these letters, and assists his sovereign perhaps more than he doth ourselves." Here the interview terminated. A few days later, Bodman had another conversation with Burghley and Cobham. Reluctantly, at their urgent request, he set down in writing all that he had said concerning his mission.

Her Majesty would accordingly hold herself in readiness to receive the honourable commissioners alluded to, feeling sure that every step taken by his Highness would comport with her honour and safety. At about the same time the other partner in this diplomatic enterprise, William Bodman, communicated to Alexander, the result of his observations in England.

Meantime, as Prince of Parma, he writes these letters, and assists his sovereign perhaps more than he doth ourselves." Here the interview terminated. A few days later, Bodman had another conversation with Burghley and Cobham. Reluctantly, at their urgent request, he set down in writing all that he had said concerning his mission.

He had been with Lord Cobham, and was much disappointed with his reception, for Cobham angry that Grafigni had brought no commission from the King had refused to receive Parma's letter to the Queen, and had expressed annoyance that Bodman should be employed on this mission, having heard that lie was very ill-tempered and passionate.

The Prince avows that he hath no commission from Spain." Bodman. "His Highness was anxious to know what was her Majesty's pleasure. So soon as that should be known, the Prince could obtain ample authority. He would never have proceeded so far without meaning a good end." Walsingham. "Very like. I dare say that his Highness will obtain the commission.

Unutterable was the amazement, as we have seen, of Bodman and Grafigni when they had suddenly found themselves confronted in Burghley's private apartments in Greenwich Palace, whither they had been conducted so mysteriously after dark from the secret pavilion by the grave Secretary of State, whom they had been so anxious to deceive; and great was the embarrassment of Croft and Cobham, and even of the imperturbable Burghley.

Grafigni informed Bodman, however, that Lord Cobham was quite to be depended upon in the affair, and would deal with him privately, while Lord Burghley would correspond with Andrea de Loo at Antwerp. Moreover, the servant of Comptroller Croft would direct Bodman as to his course, and would give him daily instructions.

Forlorn Condition of Flanders Parma's secret Negotiations with the Queen Grafigni and Bodman Their Dealings with English Counsellors Duplicity of Farnese Secret Offers of the English Peace-Party Letters and Intrigues of De Loo Drake's Victories and their Effect Parma's Perplexity and Anxiety He is relieved by the News from England Queen's secret Letters to Parma His Letters and Instructions to Bodman Bodman's secret Transactions at Greenwich Walsingham detects and exposes the Plot The Intriguers baffled Queen's Letter to Parma and his to the King Unlucky Results of the Peace Intrigues Unhandsome Treatment of Leicester Indignation of the Earl and Walsingham Secret Letter of Parma to Philip Invasion of England recommended Details of the Project.

Bodman it was hate of the most bitter and arrogant kind. In some parts of the world incompatibility of temper is considered a just cause for obtaining a divorce, but in England no such subtle distinction is made, and so until the wife became criminal, or the man became both criminal and cruel, these two were linked together by a bond that only death could sever.

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