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Updated: August 25, 2024

"And when mademoiselle hear' what that play is ab-out she consent' at the lazt to go. Biccause tha'z ab-out a girl what billieve' a man's in love to her, biccause he pay her those li'l' galanterie of high life li'l' pol-ite figtion' what every man -unless he's marrie' egspect to pay to every girl, to make thing' pleasant, you know?

If daughter', they'll be of the faith and conduc' of the mother; if son', faith of the mother, conduc' of the father; and I think with that even you, pries' of God, be satizfie', eh? "My dear frien', you know what I billieve? Me, I billieve in heaven they are waiting impatiently for that marriage." The priest may have been professionally delinquent, but he chose to leave the argument unrefuted.

Père Jerome turned and brought it. He made a motion in the direction in which the late visitor had disappeared. "Madame Delphine, you saw dat man?" "Not his face." "You couldn' billieve me iv I tell you w'at dat man purpose to do!" "Is dad so, Père Jerome?" "He's goin' to hopen a bank!" "Ah!" said Madame Delphine, seeing she was expected to be astonished.

And she's gone yonder juz' for one thing; to be as far from her misérie as she can." "Yes, chère, I billieve that. I think even, she muz' not see us when she's riturning." No footfall sounded, but the cat came in, tail up, purring. Back in their chamber, with wet cheeks on its unlatched door, the sisters listened. "I know what we muz' do, Yvonne, as soon as to-morrow.

I dunno if you'll billieve me, but I feel almost I could pahtake anotheh cup ? 'Tis the tooth." He gave Richling time to make any handsome offer that might spontaneously suggest itself, but seeing that the response was only an over-gay expression of face, he added, "But I conclude no.

"Yesseh an' many 'appy 'eturn! I dunno if you kin billieve that, Mistoo Itchlin; but I was juz about to 'ead that in yo' physio'nomie! Yesseh. But, Mistoo Itchlin, when shall the happy o'casion take effect?" "Pretty soon. Not as soon as I thought, for I got a despatch yesterday, saying her mother is very ill, and of course I telegraphed her to stay till her mother is at least convalescent.

"And she prod-uce' a piece paper fill' with memorandum' of compliment' he's say to her one time and other, what she's wrote down whiles frezh spoken and what she billieve' are proof that he's in love to her and inten' to make his proposition so soon he's got good sign' he'll be accept'. 'But I ain't never give' him sign, she say, 'biccause a girl she cann' never be too careful.

"Ah, now," madame exclaimed, "there is nothing in that! You ought to be rijoice' if there was." The new look warmed in Mélanie's eyes. "I'll be very glad if that time ever comes," she said. "Then you billieve in the second love?" "Ah, in a case like that! Indeed, yes. In their first love they both were happy; the second would be in praise of the first."

Indignation, wrath, self-hatred, dismay, in undefined confusion, usurped the faculties of sight and hearing and motion. "Mistoo Itchlin," said Narcisse, "I 'ope you fine you'seff O.K., seh, if you'll egscuse the slang expwession." Richling started to move away, but checked himself. "I'm well, sir, thank you, sir; yes, sir, I'm very well." "I billieve you, seh. You ah lookin' well."

Père Jerome turned and brought it. He made a motion in the direction in which the late visitor had disappeared. "Madame Delphine, you saw dat man?" "Not his face." "You couldn' billieve me iv I tell you w'at dat man purpose to do!" "Is dad so, Père Jerome?" "He's goin' to hopen a bank!" "Ah!" said Madame Delphine, seeing she was expected to be astonished.

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