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He was a demonstrative young man, and he embraced Christy as though he had been a Frenchman, as soon as he reached the deck. He touched his cap to Captain Blowitt, and then delivered several huge envelopes to him, and also a despatch bag. "Bearer of despatches, sir," said the chief engineer of the Bellevite. "I see you are, Mr. Vapoor.

"But you will fight like a brave fellow, and you will be promoted," suggested Christy. "If I get a bullet through my carcass, they will make a corporal of me. Then if I had half my head shot off, they might make a sergeant of me. I am not thirsting for any such glory as that, and I expected to stay with my father at Nassau." "Did your brother ask you any thing about the Bellevite, Percy?"

In a letter from his father, Christy obtained the information that the Bellevite was likely to be ordered to duty as a cruiser, for which her great speed adapted her better than any other vessel in the navy. This was cheering news to the discontented ones.

"She has pointed her head to the south-west, and the Bellevite is changing her course. I hope we shall not miss her," added Christy. When the fog bank blew over and revealed her presence on board of the West Wind, the Bellevite was not more than half a mile to the southward, but she was at least two miles to the eastward of her. "Can we get any more sail on this craft, Mr.

She has not fired a shot for some time, and she cannot without coming to. I should say she might as well do one thing as another. She can't run away from the Bellevite, and she may as well take her chances in a fight as a run." "But the Bellevite does not seem to be handling her great gun at a very lively rate," suggested Beeks.

Of course it was possible that he might do so, and come into possession of the Bellevite, winch had outsailed him, and disabled his ship for a combat at longer range.

The late owner of the Bellevite knew him well. The master's mate had been a schoolmaster, and was very well educated; but he had a taste for the sea. He had made several foreign voyages, and had bought a schooner then, of which he went as master. But he had sold his vessel to great advantage, and, having nothing to do, he shipped as third officer of the Bellevite.

There is not even a drop of brandy on board of this boat to restore him." "What do you propose to do, Major Pierson?" asked Christy. "Just now, all I desire is to procure assistance for poor Pecklar," replied the major. "But we are as helpless as though we were all babies, for we can't handle the steamer, and cannot run down to the Bellevite.

"Whether she had any guns or not, she has plenty of men on board; and it is easy enough to see what she intends to do." "What do you think she intends to do?" asked the captain. "Of course she came out here after the Bellevite, as the Belle did also; but her people have seen what the Leopard has been about for the last hour, and they intend to dispose of us before they hunt for the bigger game."

When I am about to engage in any important enterprise, I will recall your admonition, and ask myself if I am heeding it." "That satisfies me. I wish you had such a ship's company as we had on board of the Bellevite; but you have a great deal of good material, and I am confident that you will make the best use of it.