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"Yes, I've heard you live at Mentone with your aunt I think Madame Stahl: I used to know her belle-soeur." "No, she's not my aunt. I call her mamma, but I am not related to her; I was brought up by her," answered Varenka, flushing a little again.

"Well, my dear, so you took the olive branch?" inquired Countess Lidia Ivanovna, as soon as she came into the room. "Yes, it's all over, but it was all much less serious than we had supposed," answered Anna. "My belle-soeur is in general too hasty."

Upon which Héloise said, that they were lovely, and were the arrangement of her "chère petite belle-soeur!" and she smiled angelically at Victorine, who looked down with conscious pride.

Je ne regrette pas de m'etre donne une nouvelle famille en France, et je me felicite des bonnes relations, si franchement cordiales, que j'ai avec mes deux beaux-freres et avec ma belle-soeur." Some time later he wrote to the same friend: Comme nous voyageons a toute heure du jour et de la nuit, nous voyons la nature sous tous les aspects imaginables.

"My belle-soeur sat silent a few moments, drawing her stitches, and then without a word, without a glance, walked out of the room. It was just what she SHOULD have done!" "Yes," the young man repeated, "it was just what she should have done." "And I, left alone with my brother, do you know what I said?" Longmore shook his head. "Mauvals sujet!" he suggested.

The grace, the noble air, the distinction of the two women who paced slowly to meet me and who shared all these qualities, greatly as they differed in others left me no power to notice trifles. Mademoiselle was a head shorter than her BELLE-SOEUR a slender woman and petite, with a beautiful face and a fair complexion; a woman wholly womanly.

Vronsky stood still and asked directly: "How so? Do you mean he made your belle-soeur an offer yesterday?" "Maybe," said Stepan Arkadyevitch. "I fancied something of the sort yesterday. Yes, if he went away early, and was out of humor too, it must mean it.... He's been so long in love, and I'm very sorry for him." "So that's it!

"Oh, if you want to so much, I'll find out about her first and make her acquaintance myself," answered her mother. "What do you see in her out of the way? A companion, she must be. If you like, I'll make acquaintance with Madame Stahl; I used to know her belle-soeur," added the princess, lifting her head haughtily.

"For a long time," she continued, "my belle-soeur has been taking the attitude of an injured woman, affecting a disgust with the world and shutting herself up to read free-thinking books. I've never permitted myself, you may believe, the least observation on her conduct, but I can't accept it as the last word either of taste or of tact.

What will be their disappointment! she said. 'I intend to stop for an hour at Rouen on my way back, said Beauchamp. She asked if her belle-soeur was aware of the short limitation of his visit. He had not mentioned it to Madame la Marquise. 'Perhaps you may be moved by the grief of a friend: Renee may persuade you to stay. 'I came imagining I could be of some use to Madame la Marquise.