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"Now that your man has his hat in the ring you can take as much time as you like, Sir Charles." "Your friend has certainly cut it rather fine, nephew." "It is not Jim, sir," I whispered. "It is some one else." My uncle's eyebrows betrayed his astonishment. "Some one else!" he ejaculated. "And a good man too!" roared Belcher, slapping his thigh with a crack like a pistol-shot.

Such was the excitement that only a leader was needed to bring the tumult of a violent mob around the heads of the proprietor and his protégé. Mr. Belcher was not a fool, and he detected, as he sat in his wagon talking with Buffum in a low tone, the change that had come over the excited groups around him. They looked at him as they talked, with a serious scrutiny to which he was unused.

Kenelm entered a large store-shop for ready-made clothes and purchased a suit such as might be worn on Sundays by a small country yeoman or tenant-farmer of a petty holding, a stout coarse broadcloth upper garment, half coat, half jacket, with waistcoat to match, strong corduroy trousers, a smart Belcher neckcloth, with a small stock of linen and woollen socks in harmony with the other raiment.

On this plateau, the owner of the mill, Mr. Robert Belcher himself an exceptional product of the village had built his residence a large, white, pretentious dwelling, surrounded and embellished by all the appointments of wealth.

This was done by polishing and varnishing it, and by gilding the carved work of the elbows, and likewise the oaken flowers of the back. The lion's head now shone like a veritable lump of gold. Finally Governor Belcher gave the chair a cushion of blue damask, with a rich golden fringe.

Byles beheld this figure on the staircase, he shivered as with an ague, but continued to watch him steadfastly until the gouty gentleman had reached the threshold, made a gesture of anguish and despair and vanished into the outer gloom, whither the funeral music summoned him. "Governor Belcher my old patron in his very shape and dress!" gasped Dr. Byles. "This is an awful mockery."

In half an hour we had ransacked the room, and all to no purpose; and so, as if by signal, broke off and eyed one another in dismay. And as we did so Miss Belcher laughed aloud and pointed at the valise lying in the middle of the floor the only thing we had left unexplored. Mr.

For Cambridge, Mr. Cobden bowled fast, Mr. Ward was an excellent medium pace bowler, Mr. Money's slows were sometimes fortunate, and Mr. Bourne bowled slow round. Cambridge went in first, and only got 147. Mr. Yardley fell for 2, being caught by Mr. Butler off Mr. Francis. Mr. Scott's 45 was the largest score, and Mr. Thornton contributed 17, while Mr. Francis and Mr. Belcher divided the wickets.

A tray of small glasses and pewter mugs stood beside them. "The boys were thirsty, sir, so I brought up some ale and some liptrap," whispered the landlord; "I thought you would have no objection, sir." "Quite right, Bob! How are you all? How are you, Maddox? How are you, Baldwin? Ah, Belcher, I am very glad to see you."

"Is it possible?" said he, speaking in that softly modulated voice I remembered to have heard once before. "Can it be possible that I address my worthy cousin? That shirt! that utterly impossible coat and belcher! And yet the likeness is remarkable! Have I the honor to address Mr. Peter Vibart late of Oxford?" "The same, sir," I answered, rising.