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Upon this they took to flight, and after losing six ships with the rest escaped to Teutlussa or Beet Island, and from thence to Halicarnassus. After this the Peloponnesians put into Cnidus and, being joined by the twenty-seven ships from Caunus, sailed all together and set up a trophy in Syme, and then returned to anchor at Cnidus.

Boyd-Merril Twin Eight, latest model. And dollars to doughnuts I know just what's wrong and she doesn't!" She ignored him with such a perfect unconsciousness of his presence in the same world with her that he was moved to a keen admiration. "I'll bet her face is as red as a beet, just the same," was his cheerful thought.

For many years the Democratic platforms have declared explicitly or implicitly against the duties on sugar; if the Democrats should come into power and reduce the duties, they would lose their strength in the states producing cane sugar and beet sugar; if they do not reduce the duty, they admit that their platforms have been insincere. c.

The tramp-boy's young voice had its fashion of breaking and shrilling into a high soprano, like a girl's, for emphasis; he was as red as a beet, and he put his foot back in the stirrup, thrust out his under jaw and looked at the stirrup as though he had to determine how much wood had gone into its making. Again Bruce was conscious of a little ache for the boy.

The beet sugar industry is another matter. There will be an end of the peculiar institution that has had strength in our new possessions, that brings, under contract, to Hawaii a mass of forty thousand Chinese and Japanese men, and turns over the majority of them to the plantations, whose profits have displayed an unwholesome aggrandizement.

Claire dressed Dlorus, cooked a dinner of beet greens, potatoes, and trout; and by bullying and great sweetness kept Dlorus from too many trips to the gin bottle. Milt caught the trout, cut wood, locked in a log shed Pinky's forlorn mining-tools.

And I wouldn't waste my time nor hisen by tellin' him that I hadn't made no remark, nor thought on't. I see it would hurt his feelin's, specilly as he would add in haste "That he didn't see how folks needed so much sleep; as for him, it wuz a real treat to keep awake all night, now and then." No, I would let it go, and ask him for burdock or beet, as the case might be.

I shall be excused in a matter so devastating to republican institutions as this if I quote further from the disclosures of Thomas Beet: "There is another phase," he says, "of the private detective evil which has worked untold damage in America. This is the private constabulary system by which armed forces are employed during labor troubles.

"But I figgered it would be better to look up this young man's friends and let them do the rescuin', and not lose no time, 'specially as it's about as far from my place to the factory as it is to Shopton." "Well, I suppose that's so," agreed Ned. "But what is this factory?" "It's an old one where they started to make beet sugar, but it didn't pan out," the farmer said.

Gravely and with a dark glance he followed after Sophie and her guide. "In vain his beet endeavors were; Dull was the evening, and duller grew." "Seest thou how its little life The bird hides in the wood? Wilt thou be my little wife Then do it soon. Good! A bridegroom am I." Arion. Close beside St. After dinner they wandered up and down the garden, which extended to the Odense River.