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It was the best arrangement all round, as "Bed-bug Brown" himself thought, for this worthy gentleman was eaves-dropping in the cellar, with only a floor of thin boards between himself and these interesting young people.

But because I have found out that honesty is a thing that ought to be encouraged, especially among friends, I will take your note and cancel the other." So this business was settled. Robert Palmer, governed by kindly feeling rather than hard sense, overlooked his friend's weakness for speculation, rather counting it as honesty. "Bed-Bug Brown," Detective

If Keeler felt constrained to withhold information about his intended visit to San Francisco in the capacity of detective, Francis on his part saw no reason to state that he had just employed Bed-bug Brown in a similar capacity.

They are white, transparent, differing from the perfect insect in having a broad, triangular head, and short, thick antennæ. Some Cimices are parasites, infesting pigeons, swallows, etc., in this way also showing their near relation to lice. Besides the Reduvius, the cockroach is the natural enemy of the bed-bug, and destroys large numbers.

And when the robber asked whose valise that was, I was so frightened the words came right out before I realized what I had done." "Every word you say is God's truth, Miss Slocum, and I hope you will forgive me for bothering you this way." It did occur to Mat that he might inquire who that young jail-bird might be. And "Bed-bug Brown" was hoping that his name would be mentioned.

There was no escape for either, so they drifted together good-naturedly. The little man extended his hand: "Congratulations! When is the wedding to be?" Bailey simply smiled, and said: "Bed-bug Brown, detective!" The Home-Coming of a Dead Man

But "Bed-bug Brown," perennial picnicker, was not a scientific sleuth. So when the council of war broke up, a feeling of skepticism prevailed. Mat Bailey saw more possibilities in his own suggestion than in the $10,000 reward. Dr. Mason saw more possibilities, however slight, in the reward than in the proposed detective.

Many times the unknown contents of some bottle or package has been carelessly taken and found to be poison. Careless and stupid people often take, by mistake, with serious, and often fatal, results, poisonous doses of carbolic acid, bed-bug poison, horse-liniment, oxalic acid, and other poisons.

People had not paid much attention to it, nor to the murdered man's lonely grave by the river. Henry Francis, evidently, gave Brown full credence, but others present regarded "Bed-bug Brown" as a joke. True, he was an intelligent little man. He had taught school at Graniteville several winters, and had succeeded better at this business than at placer mining on the bars of the Middle Yuba.

"Pardon me, lady, but you're crazy!" he stated politely. "Crazy as a bed-bug! It can't be did!" The sun was dropping behind the wooded hills and only the golden rim of it peeped above the tree-tops when they set out. Before long the purple dusk came creeping in from the east where clouds were banking in the sky. Kendrick expected to be back by daylight or at latest by noon next day.