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So we stood round our engine, jostled one another, expressed our sentiments through speaking-trumpets, or in lower tone referred to the great conflagrations which the world has witnessed, including Bascom's shop, and, between ourselves, we thought that, were we there in season with our "tub," and a full frog-pond by, we could turn that threatened last and universal one into another flood.

"Yes," said the boy, bobbing his tow head, "I did;" and he unfolded and folded his hands back again, then waited patiently. So Polly flew off on a gay little story about a dog that bade fair to rival Grandma Bascom's cat for cleverness. He belonged to Mr.

Crewe continued, "through a fellow-member who has no use for it whose intelligence, in fact, is underrated by the gentlemen in Number Seven. I will read the slip. "'Vote yes on the question. Yes means that the report of the Committee will be accepted, and that the Pingsquit bill will not pass. Wait for Bascom's signal, and destroy this paper." There was no need, indeed, for Mr.

"Hello, Austen," said a voice, which he recognized as the Honourable Brush Bascom's, "didn't know you ever came down here in session time." "What are you doing down here, Brush?" Austen asked. Mr. Bascom grinned in appreciation of this pleasantry. "I came for my health," he said; "I prefer it to Florida." "I've heard that it agrees with some people," said Austen. Mr. Bascom grinned again.

That was all fol-de-rol, for there never was a more liberal husband, though he was a poor minister; but then they always are poor, without they're rich; there don't seem to be any halfway in ministers. "We was both lucky that way. There ain't a stingy bone in Jot Bascom's body. He don't make much money, but what he does make goes into the bureau drawer, and the one that needs it most takes it out.

"I'm goin' to Grandma Bascom's for Mamsie," he cried passionately. "We must stay here, Phronsie," said little Davie, holding tightly to her hand, and standing still in the middle of the floor, "'cause Ben told us to, you know."

Tooting's to recognize them as such for they wear no uniforms. Still other scouts conduct some of the gentlemen who have talked with Mr. Botcher up the stairs to a mysterious room on the second floor. Mr. Tooting discovers that the room is occupied by the Honourable Brush Bascom; Mr. Tooting learns with indignation that certain of these guests of Mr. Bascom's are delegates pledged to Mr.

The hope of the revolutionists bore these strokes and others as mighty with complacency, as though they had been so many playful taps; and while the battle surged hotly around him he sat calmly listening or making occasional notes with a gold pencil. Born leader that he was, he was biding his time. Mr. Bascom's attack was met valiantly, but unskillfully, from the back seats. Mr.

"Now, boys," said Polly, getting up, and drawing a long breath, "I'm going over to Grandma Bascom's to get her to tell me how to make the cake; and you must stay and keep house." "I'm going to nail," said Joel; "I've got lots to do." "All right," said Polly, tying on her hood; "Phronsie'll love to watch you; I won't be gone long," and she was off.

Enough was already known of Bascom's hostility to the rector, to make the meeting decidedly curious as to his attitude towards Hepsey's remarks and the mortgage; and they knew him well enough to be aware that he would not allow that item in her speech to go unanswered, in some way or other.