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We believe that to this day some of our most eminent merchants such as the Gurneys, Hanburys, and Buxtons are proud to acknowledge with gratitude the obligations they owe to David Barclay for the means of their first introduction to life, and for the benefits of his counsel and countenance in the early stages of their career.

I should, with great satisfaction, have acceded to the recommendation in the letter: not indeed as to Morocco, because, no better man than Mr. Barclay could have been substituted; but as to Algiers, Mr. Lambe being less known to me. However, I hope well of him, and rely considerably on the aid he will receive from his secretary, Mr. Randall, who bears a very good character. I suppose Mr.

"Good morning, Colonel Tempe," he said, cordially; and then added, in some surprise, "who are these men you have with you, and where are your young Englishmen? I hope they will not be late." "These are they," the colonel said, smiling. "They are who?" Gambetta said, puzzled. "I do not understand you, colonel." "These are the Lieutenants Barclay," Colonel Tempe said.

They bank at our place; and they're by no means paupers." For Nevitt was a clerk in the well-known banking firm of Drummond, Coutts, and Barclay, Limited; and being a man who didn't mean, as he himself said, "to throw himself away on any girl for nothing," he kept a sharp look-out on the current account of every wealthy client with an only daughter.

Paul of the words most noble, when he addresses Festus. Now the teachers and promulgators of christianity would never have given these titles, if they had not been allowable by the gospel. As this last argument was used in the time of Barclay, he has noticed it in his celebrated apology.

Sir Robert Barclay, with his boat, had been over two days before, and it was not known when he would return.

He would not see the moorland birds that Kirsty saw; he would only hear their cries, with now and then perhaps the bark of a sheep-dog. My reader will probably conclude the prospect altogether uninteresting, even ugly; but certainly Christina Barclay did not think it such.

Their earliest apologist, Barclay, in his theses on the Scriptures, says, 'They are the doctrines of Christ, held forth in precious declarations, spoken and written by the movings of God's Spirit. Whoever it was that asserted the heresies, to Bunyan the investigation of them, in the light of Divine truth, was attended with great advantages.

And then he sank to his chair and hid his face, and for a moment a hundred wet-eyed men were still. Though John Barclay was at the meeting, he remembered only his mother's prayer, but in his heart there was always a picture of a little boy trying to walk home with a little girl, and when he came up with her she darted ahead or dropped back.

The first question was, Who could the citizen have been who gave the stranger the twenty dollars? It seemed a simple one; both answered it in the same breath "Barclay Goodson." "Yes," said Richards, "he could have done it, and it would have been like him, but there's not another in the town." "Everybody will grant that, Edward grant it privately, anyway.