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Updated: August 17, 2024

Bringing us back to the claim the next afternoon Huey suddenly remembered that he had promised a neighbor to help string barb-wire the following day. But sure he could take us to town 'most any day after that. The next day we began to discover the women who were living on homesteads and who, in their own way, played so vital a part in developing the West.

It presented the usual heart-breaking appearance so familiar to men who have lived in a wild country and witnessed, year after year, the furious struggle between Man and Nature. Misterton had cleared and planted about forty acres, enclosed with a barb-wire fence. Riding along this, we saw that many of his fruit trees had been barked and ruined by jack-rabbits. The month was September.

Their new parapet was not half formed and offered no protection to the stream of bullets that sleeted in on them from rifles and maxims on their flanks. The charging British infantry carried hand grenades and bombs and flung them ahead of them as they ran, and, finally, there was no thicket of barb-wire to check the swing and impetus of the rush.

He's the one that said he'd been exposed to smallpox an' wanted to be kept where it was warm all winter. Well, I'll be I'll be " "Don't say it, pa. He said it fer you when he clumb over that barb-wire fence out there," cried Edna gleefully. Several days of anxiety and energy followed this interesting episode.

The owner of both proved to be none other than the father of my companion, and though there was still one more day's journey before us, we already felt quite at home. We made the descent and entered upon the broad domain of the Hacienda de San Francisco, the boundary of which, to my amazement, I found indicated by a very familiar American barb-wire fence.

Treads and barb-wire cuts are common injuries to the region of the coronet. The preventive treatment consists in preserving a healthy condition of the horn by giving the foot the necessary care and attention in the way of proper trimming and shoeing, and providing it with the necessary moisture by means of foot-baths, wet clay and poultices.

He had not yet tried it, but he knew just how to play 'barb-wire, which is a new trick of the brilliant order; he had made a special study of 'sand, which burns up all scent, and was deeply versed in 'change-off, 'fence, and 'double' as well as 'hole-up, which is a trick requiring longer notice, and yet he never forgot that 'lie-low' is the beginning of all wisdom and 'brierbrush' the only trick that is always safe.

He is dead, and he must not be resurrected. He was a picturesque evil of those early days, but civilization has no use for him, and it has killed him, as the railroads and the barb-wire fence have killed the cowboy. He does not belong here; he does not fit in; he is not wanted.

He shortened the reins and whacked Mr. Pirate soundly across the ears. Pirate plunged and reared and, after devious evolutions, reached solid ground. This time his head was high in the air, and, try as he would, he could not lower his neck a solitary inch. Warburton knew that the animal could not make the barb-wire fence again, so he waltzed him along till he found a break in the wire.

They had never met any one who was so well qualified to discuss the pros and cons of the barb-wire fence question, and they learned many things which they had never heard before. This was very gratifying to Mr. Elkins, who drew largely upon hearsay, his own vivid imagination, and a healthy logic.

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