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Scaring the wolf-cub, Scaring the horn-owl out, Shaking the snow-wreaths Down from the pine-boughs, Up to the star-roof Rang out their song. Singing how Winil men Over the icefloes Sledging from Scanland on Came unto Scoring; Singing of Gambara Freya's beloved. Mother of Ayo Mother of Ibor.

As soon as he caught two fish he went home, and he left the dry bark of the banana, which he used as a clout, by the river, and he became Ligi, so he went home. As soon as he arrived he made Ayo wake up, when he finished cooking the fish, and the baby went to him to be carried. He called Ayo and she did not go.

He determines to build a balaua and invite all people, so he may learn who the father is. Sends out oiled betel-nuts to invite the guests and when one refuses to attend they grow on him or his pet pig. Dagdagalisit attends wearing only a clout of dried banana leaves. Brother of Ayo is enraged at her match and sends her and the baby away with her poor husband.

As soon as they had given them all their things the alan flew away and Dinowágan and her husband took their sons and daughters to Pindayan. There was a man named Asbinan who was the son of Ayo, but the old woman Alokotán took care of him. "Ala, my grandmother Alokotán, go and engage me to Dawinisan who looks like the sunshine, for I want to marry her," said the young boy Asbinan.

"I am going to lie down on the stone which is like a seat below the dumalotau tree," said Ayo, for she felt hot in the middle of the day. "What shall we call our son?" "We shall call him Asbinan, who looks like the spreading branch of the betel-nut tree which looks pretty in the afternoon," said Ligi, her husband. "Ala! Agben, my loving son, go to eat," said Ayo.

As soon as they both were married Tabyayen staid in his house which had been up in the air before. Kanag staid in another house which Aponitolau and Aponibolinayen had. "Look out for our children, Ligi, while I wash my hair," said Ayo. "Yes," said Ligi. As soon as Ayo reached the spring Ligi went to make a basket, in which he put the three little pigs which had little beads around their necks.

After it is over the half brothers marry earth girls. Ayo gives birth to three little pigs. Husband is ashamed, and while wife is at the spring he places the animals in a basket and hangs it in a tree. Basket is found by old woman, Alokotán, who takes it home. Pigs soon turn into boys. When grown they go to court the girls while they spin. Ayo hears of their visits and goes where they are.

When they arrive at her new home, Ayo finds her husband a handsome man who lives in a golden house, and whose spring has gravel of gold and agates. They summon their relatives to celebrate balaua with them. While Ayo's brother is dancing, her husband cuts off his head, but he is brought back to life.

"Mother pretty Ayo I do not wish to eat when we have no fish roe." After that Ligi went to his friends who use the big fish net in the ocean. "Ala, my friends, search fish roe, for my son Asbinan wishes to eat." They went to examine the bellies of nine baskets of fish, but there was no roe. He went to his friends who fish in the river. "Ala, friends secure fish roe which my son wishes to eat."

It had made Kawayun happy to look at his father's teeth. When Datu Ayo died, his wife was about to become a mother. Now, the Bagobo women know that, when they become pregnant, they must be very careful to protect themselves from the evil Buso. Failing this, the Buso will come to the woman while she sleeps, and change her baby into a Buso-child.