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The cataract, on the other hand, has disappeared from Assouan.

But the Fatma, going always against the stream, would take a much longer time. At Assouan he could seek out this man, Baring Hartley. But she had suggested that! How entirely he distrusted this woman! Mrs. Armine and he were linked by their dislike. He had known they might be when he met her in London. To-day he knew that they were.

It is said that Mahmud has asked for a sufficient supply to cross the Bayuda, and has promised to drive the infidels before him to Assouan; but the Khalifa says no, it would be better to wait till they come in a strong body, and then to exterminate them. If we are not to fight, why were we sent here?

He was stricken down, and lay above Assouan in a hut by the shore, from which he could see the Temple of Philoe, and Pharaoh's Bed, and the great rocks, and the swift-flowing Nile. Here lay his greatest hope, the splendid design of his life the great barrage of Assouan. With it he could add to the wealth of Egypt one-half.

Real Southern palms, she mused guiltily, not those conjured up by opium. That he was solicitous for her health the nature of his schemes revealed. They were to visit Switzerland, and proceed thence to a villa which he owned in Italy. Christmas they would spend in Cairo, explore the Nile to Assouan in a private dahabiyeh, and return home via the Riviera in time to greet the English spring.

He flushed, was embarrassed, then snatched a kiss from her cheek. "Say, I'm in it, ain't I? And you were in it first, eh, Cousin Hylda? The rest are nowhere there they come from Assouan, Kaid, Nahoum, and the Nubians. Look at 'em glisten!"

"You see," he added absently, "if I hear that Harry Feversham is in Omdurman, something might perhaps be done from Suakin or Assouan, something might be done. Which way did Ethne go?" "Over to the water." "She had her dog with her, I hope." "The dog followed her," said Mrs. Adair. "I am glad," said Durrance.

But the American lady had risen, and her face showed that her nerves had been ruffled. "If I had my time over again I wouldn't have come past Assouan," said she. "I can't think what possessed me to bring you all the way up here, Sadie. Your mother will think that I am clean crazy, and I'd never dare to look her in the eye if anything went wrong with us.

The cataracts of the Nile between Assouan and Khartoum rendering the navigation next to impossible, camels are the only medium of transport, and the uncertainty of procuring them without great delay is the trader's greatest difficulty.

Nearly all of the material was brought across from the east side of the Nile, but the granite that entered into its construction was brought down from Syene, near Assouan, five hundred miles distant. Two chambers are shown to visitors, one of them containing an empty stone coffin.