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Updated: August 3, 2024

I made a last and desperate effort to get rid of the impending job. 'I am really afraid, sir, that this case seems so much complicated, and there is so little time to prepare, that we had better move the court to supersede it till next session. 'How, sir? how, Alan? said my father 'Would you approbate and reprobate, sir?

He is very liberal about the criminal code, for he can't bear to see criminals punished. He is very liberal in politics, for he don't approbate restraint, and likes to let every critter 'go to the devil' his own way. Oh, he should be Head Spy and Prime Minister that feller.

But we all of us Churchmen and Dissenters alike select our opinions far too much in the same fashion as ladies are reported, I dare say quite falsely, to do their afternoon's shopping this thing because it is so pretty, and that thing because it is so cheap. We pick and choose, take and leave, approbate and reprobate in a breath.

Strange it is, that that babbler should suppose it unjustifiable for the people to alter or amend, or even entirely abolish, what they themselves have established. But says Vox Populi, perhaps the new plan will not have the same number to approbate it, that the constitution of this State had. Perhaps Vox Populi will be hung for high treason.

You have accepted the poor man's cause, and if you have not his fee in your pocket, it is because he has none to give you; and now would you approbate and reprobate in the same breath of your mouth? Think of your oath of office, Alan, and your duty to your father, my dear boy. Once more, what could I say?

I approbate domestic factories, but nothin further for us. It don't suit us or our institutions. A republic is only calculated for an enlightened and vartuous people, and folks chiefly in the farmin line. That is an innocent and a happy vocation. Agriculture was ordained by Him as made us, for our chief occupation.

Our free and enlightened citizens don't approbate silent members; it don't seem to them as if Squashville, or Punkinville, or Lumbertown was right represented, unless Squashville, or Punkinville, or Lumbertown, makes itself heard and known, ay, and feared too. So every feller in bounden duty, talks, and talks big too, and the smaller the State, the louder, bigger, and fiercer its members talk.

Gracious knows, I don't approbate coarseness, it shocks me, but narvous sensibility makes me sick.

Evil communications endamnify good manners, as sure as rates; one scabby sheep will infect a whole flock vice is as catchin' as that nasty disease the Scotch have, it's got by shakin' hands, and both eend in the same way in brimstone. I approbate domestic factories, but nothin' further for us. It don't suit us or our institutions.

Mullockson, says he, 'so you've pulled up stakes from Bendigo City and concluded to locate here. How do you approbate Turon? She said something or other, we hardly knew what. Jim and I couldn't help giving one look. Her eyes turned on us. We could see she knew us, though she hadn't done so at first.

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