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John Barker a desirable visitor; but somehow, in the excitement of the chase, both had forgotten the chances against them, and the probability that they would have to retire downstairs again, apologising humbly to some wrathful Joseph Buggins, whose convivialities they might have interrupted.

Beside the window, in a homely arm-chair, sat an invalid girl with pale thin cheeks, bright blue eyes, and long flaxen hair. If not pretty, she was, at all events, extremely interesting, and possessed the great charm of a winning smile. Apologising for causing her alarm by his damp, dishevelled, and sudden appearance, Barret asked if there were any men about the place.

Torcy was obliged to write him a letter, apologising for the fault of Madame de Torcy; and the King at this grew content. It may be imagined what a sensation this adventure produced all through the Court. While upon the subject of the King, let me relate an anecdote of him, which should have found a place ere this.

Clarkson, as though he had said he preferred babies scolloped. "Well, I rather enjoy the sense of common humanity," said Mr. Clarkson, apologising. "Enjoy common humanity?" said the big man, mopping his head. "Can't say I do. 'Cos why, I was born perticler." For a moment Mr. Clarkson was tempted to claim a certain fastidiousness himself.

A week later old Tummus was reinstated without apologising to the head-gardener, after old Hannah had been up to the house and begged him on. "No, ma'am," she said, through her tears; "he hasn't 'pologised, and he says he can't, because it's all true." "Then it is sheer obstinacy, Hannah," said Mrs Mostyn. "Yes, mum, that's just what it is.

The Marquess, who was always "keeping up county influence," was very shocked at the obstreperous conduct of Liberal Snake. Indeed he had viewed the arrival of this worthy with no smiling countenance, but what could he say, as he came in the suit of Lord Pert, who was writing, with the lecturer's assistance, a little pamphlet on the Currency? Apologising to Mrs.

He did not conceal his dislike for certain of his colleagues, notably Mr. Vennard and Mr. Cargill. When Miss Barriton arrived with her stepmother the party was almost complete. She entered with an air of apologising for her prettiness. Her manner with old men was delightful, and I watched with interest the unbending of Caerlaverock and the simplifying of Mr. Cargill in her presence.

She received him with her very best politeness, which he returned with as much more, apologising for his intrusion, without any previous acquaintance with her, which he could not help flattering himself, however, might be justified by his relationship to the young ladies who introduced him to her notice. Mrs.

Nothing serves more to show the dependence in which he considered himself to be upon Louis than these contemptible shifts to which he condescended, for the purposes of explaining and apologising for such parts of his conduct as might be supposed to be less agreeable to that monarch than the rest.

"I didn't pass through London," he said, and he seemed to be apologising. "My letters were forwarded to Southampton, and I only opened them on the Sark steamer." Then he congratulated them both. I spoke to Mr. Drake the same evening on the terrace here, foolishly hinting the feminine consolation that he was well free from a girl of Clarice's fickleness. He was in arms on the instant.