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The Colonel, apologising for the narrow system which compelled him to so painful a duty, asked him to leave the parade. The Beau saluted, trotted back to quarters and, that afternoon, sent in his papers. Henceforth he lived freely as a fop, in his maturity, should. His debut in the town was brilliant and delightful. Tales of his elegance had won for him there a precedent fame. He was reputed rich.

This feeling of excitement still continued to animate us; but, strangely enough, Ella seemed the least able of the party to control it, and it appeared to have the effect of agitating her nerves considerably. Moreover, she seemed to be singularly pre-occupied over something, answering remarks at random sometimes when she was not addressed at all and then flushing up and apologising confusedly.

As it's my dog that has done it dear me, they do look squashed now he has got up you don't really mind about your father's vexation, because you won't have to think about yourself. That is wise of you; if you were a little wiser still, you would picture to yourself how ridiculous I shall look apologising for Og. Kindly kick him, Michael; he will understand. Naughty!

Sykes waved a deprecatory hand, at once exhibiting and apologising for so much splendour. "This is the spare-room," she explained. "And there," pointing to the high, old-fashioned bed, "is Ann." Callandar crossed the immaculate matting gingerly, taking Ann on faith, as it were, for, from the door, no; Ann was visible, only a very small dent in the big whiteness of the bed. "Ann!

I immediately offered to knock him down for his cowardice, and he shrank back, begging that I would be cautious, and not get myself worried; and apologising for his own want of resolution. My Indian was now in conversation with the others, and they asked me if I would allow them to shoot a dozen arrows into him, and thus disable him. This would have ruined all.

It was to a friend in Rome, and from the sense we all have that a letter which is to go such a great distance ought to be a long letter, and from finding that she had really a good deal to say, she let it grow so that she began apologising for its length half a dozen pages before the end.

It was difficult to believe, at first, that it was not purposely coloured black, the walls were so begrimed. As I stood opposite the woman boiling the children's clothes, she had not even a piece of soap to wash them with, and apologising for her occupation, I could take in all these things without appearing to notice them, and could even correct my inventory.

Mr Jarper had a meek little way with Mrs Meddlechip, as if he was constantly apologising for having dared to have come into the world without her permission, but to other people he was rude enough, and in his own mean little soul looked upon himself quite as a man of fashion.

She would stare at him and flush and say-'Didn't you go out every day to work? How would he tell her then so that she could understand quickly and spare him words? "Morning came and the man ate his breakfast silently. There was no butter on the bread, and his wife seemed to be apologising to him for not having any.

'Good-morning, he said, coming up to her and taking off his cap. She noticed that he certainly had got much sunburnt during the last three days. 'I meant to have come here with Andrei Petrovitch, but he was rather slow in starting; so here I am without him. There is no one in your house; they are all asleep or out of doors, so I came on here. 'You seem to be apologising, replied Elena.