United States or French Guiana ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

This was wholly unsatisfactory to those who held that Canada was a principal in the war, and must shrink from no sacrifices to make victory possible. Still less satisfactory was the professed attitude of the Liberal candidates in Quebec; with few exceptions they embraced the anti-war Nationalist programme.

He was so busy we could not interrupt him. Joy was in the hearts of all loyal people, while curses were upon the lips of every disloyal and anti-war Democrat in the whole country. "Jackson died from erysipelas on the sixth day after our arrival. This shock almost broke me down. Henry was nearly frantic. Jackson was his favorite brother. They had both been wanderers alike from home.

"The others" consisted of people of all shades of opinion and conviction: the anti-British, anti-French, the pro-German, the anti-war and the merely neutral, some of whom set feverishly to work to make a tradesman's advantage out of Europe's misfortune. A great traffic sprang up in the manufacture of war materials.

Another appeal must be made to the President who, growing steadily in control over the people and over his Congress, was the one leader powerful enough to direct his party to accept this reform. But he was busy gathering his power to lead them elsewhere. Again we would have to compete with pro-war anti-war sentiment. But it was no time to relax.

Whatever truth there may be in the suspicion that the anti-war Bolshevik faction of the Social Democrats were the victims of the Russian police espionage system, and were betrayed by one whom they had trusted, as the Socialist-Revolutionists had been betrayed by Azev, the fact remains that the government ordered the arrest of five of the Bolshevist Social Democratic members of the Duma, on November 17th.

A coalition having been formed between the anti-war Democrats and a number of disaffected Republicans in his district to defeat his re<e:>lection to Congress, it had seemed likely to overwhelm him and drive him out of public life, and one thing seemed for a time likely to prove fatal to him: the ``New York Tribune, the great organ of the party, edited by Horace Greeley, gave him no effective support.

Never, so far as I can gather, in the world's history was there so complete a machine for the suppression of individual opinion as the German police. The anti-war demonstrations in Germany range all the way from the smashing of a few food-shop windows to the complete preparations for a serious crippling of the armies in the field by a general munition strike.

Woodward of Pennsylvania, a bitter anti-war Democrat, formerly Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of his State, protested earnestly against Impeachment, on the ground that all the States not being represented either in House or Senate, there was no competent branch to impeach and none to try an officer.

Raymond, in speaking of the defeat, always said that he could have effected a serious division in the ranks of Republican members if he could have had the benefit of the hostility of Mr. Voorhees and other anti-war Democrats. Three weeks after Mr. Shellabarger's reply Mr. Raymond made a rejoinder.

Albans, in Vermont, and is not only to destroy property, but is to terrify those rich old Vermont Yanks out of their wits. It is by such means that we must alarm the Northern property-holders into peace measures and into voting the anti-war ticket. This is the only sure way to success, in my opinion. "They all laughed and agreed that a St.