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Before we move a step further, we'll purge them of such helpers as you and such false friends as Julian Orden." "You very foolish person," she repeated. "Stop, though. Why all this mystery? Why did you try to keep that letter from me?" "I conceived it to be for the benefit of our cause," he said didactically, "that the anonymity of `Paul Fiske' should be preserved." "Rubbish!" she scoffed.

Nothing is told of such things. The veil of anonymity shrouds great actions, a barrier of impenetrable mystery protects the secret of the operations. *Great Things Done Simply.*

As a matter of fact, I am convinced that anonymity makes, not for irresponsibility but for responsibility, and that there are many men who, though truculent, offensive, and personal when they write with the "I," will show a true sense of moderation and responsibility when they use the editorial "we."

This new bolt of electric fire, launched upon the storm-tost President from Berlin itself, and even from the King's House itself, by whom, too clearly recognizable, what an irritating thing! Unseemly, in fact, on Voltaire's part; but could not be helped by a Voltaire charged with electricity. This is the privilege of anonymity, on both sides of it.

The prince was far too vain of his unexpected literary success to preserve his anonymity, and the ink-craving having laid hold upon him, he lost no time in setting to work upon another book. The semblance of a separation between himself and Lucie had now been thrown aside.

On this account any number of good things remain anonymous, because the good writer or the good painter or the good sculptor was ashamed of them. Then there is this reason for anonymity, that at times for quite a short few years a sort of universality of good work in one or more departments of art seems to fall upon the world or upon some district.

I quite agreed to your proposals as to my anonymity at the time when I was up in Scotland, but the thing's a secret no longer with the people who count. Every one in Germany knows that I'm a mine-field specialist, so I don't see why the dickens I should pose any longer as a sort of half-baked idiot." Rayton's eyes twinkled.

The endorsed notes were presented as a matter of warning; new loans settled them; new loans made new notes necessary; these were extended; the extensions were costly; an uncanny individual shielded in anonymity was taken into confidence. He bought up mortgages, paid for them in diamonds instead of money, and sold depreciated stocks.

Seeking the shelter of anonymity, he bought a rucksack for his few clothes, and boarded a bus which dropped him at Jarviston, Minnesota, at two a.m. He thrust his hands into his pockets, partly like a lonesome tramp, partly like some carefree immortal, and partly like a mixed-up wraith who didn't quite know who or what he was, or where he belonged. In his wallet he had about five hundred dollars.

Advertising is also responsible for the fact that our papers are no longer organs but organizations. The individuality of the great editor, once supreme, has become less and less a power, till finally it vanishes into mere innocuous anonymity. To show you how far the editor has receded into public obscurity, it is only necessary to try to recall the portrayal of a modern editor in a recent play.